Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Computer is fixed!

I am so happy I am back online with you after having to take my computer to the guys and gals at Geek Squad. Had a little virus issue that needed tending to. I couldn't even get on the internet on my computer anymore. Before that the flashing pages were like a psychedelic trip! They did a fantastic job fixing my computer. I can do my blog from my iPad but its not a very comfortable way for me to do it. And I having been waiting and waiting for the right time to share this quote with you. For most of my adult life I have had a particular quote that was essentially my life motto. It held great meaning to me and on days that I was struggling I always had it in my mind so I could pull it out of my head and remind myself why I kept going. As I struggled with what I thought was depression most of my life. I found what I called my bag of tricks to try and get me out of the dark places. As I watched the inauguration eleven days ago I heard a quote that touched me t the core. I have not changed my quote ever. But my life has changed a great deal not only in the last 6 years with my divorce but in the last 3 years. A whole new world opened up for me. I found out I was not depressed my entire life I actually had PTSD from childhood abuse and bipolar disorder on the depressive side. And going through intensive counseling for 2 months and being medicated properly for the first time changed my world. Then I finally opened myself up to the gifts I had been hiding for so long. So it was time ti change the quote. The Quote is part of a much larger one by Mark Helprin "As long as you have life and breath believe." This spoke volumes in just a few words. Believe in yourself, in your higher power,  in the ways of spirit to communicate & that everything has purpose. Just Believe! You can make miracles happen if you believe. Our paths are far from ever easy at times. But we have to believe its the right path. There is that word again. Believe. Its beautiful. It fills you with optimism & joy. So Believe and feel the love & light shine upon you.  

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page Love & Light Medium Janis Mini Photo Readings
I give free mini photo readings on this page

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Clair's

 Not all mediums get their information the same way. Some see signs they must interpret, some have a knowing, some get information directly from spirit, some cane taste, smell or hear information. And some have multiple Clair abilities. Most do. Because rarely do you use all your abilities at once. My strongest ability is the knowing. I simply know what is going to happen or has happened. I have predicted earthquakes and recently a couple went missing and I knew they would be found dead off a cliff south of their destination. Which is exactly where they were found. It's an odd sensation to just know something. I have this knowing about my clients. I also speak to spirit when doing photo readings. And had one spirit show me her kitchen and I tasted her jam. So I could give an accurate reading to my client. It was amazing. It's funny I still would love a jar of that jam it was so good. But them me introduce you to the Clair's. Everyone's heard of clairvoyance. The ability to see objects, actions or events. Clairauideince is the ability to hear spirit.  Clairsentience this is the ability to feel. Your able to feel for example another persons illness or injury. This is a very complicated ability. CLAIRSALIENCE The ability to smell. I personally don't have this and honestly not sure with the things I have seen if I would want it necessarily. CLAIRTANGENCY is the ability to read objects or touching. I have tried this and been successful but it's not something I do everyday. Claircognizance is psychic knowing. This is my strongest Clair. And one of the most rare among mediums. There are several others people talk about but these are the main Clair's and the others start getting into detail that's not necessarily the point I am going for. When either trying to better your own intuition or looking for a medium who fits with your belief system or personality this is one of the things you can discover or consider. You have the right to ask questions. You don't have to blindly believe a medium there is a great deal of fraudulent people out there. Make them earn your business. Love & Light to you All! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

But we're just typing right?

But we're just typing right? That's what I heard from someone who was scheduled to have a free mini reading with me this weekend and had forgotten. She was out shopping and wanted to continue anyway. She would have gotten out of it exactly what she put into it if I had allowed it. Nothing. I take my job very seriously. What I get from spirit is not to be taken lightly. It's not a joke. I don't say things I make up in my head. What I am told is for your betterment. I also don't appreciate people wasting my time. Twice this week while having scheduled FREE mini readings people did not show up on time and had to be rescheduled. I must do grounding and protecting which can take 20-30 minutes if my time before I meet with someone online or in person. And online is just as important. i don't consider a free reading less important than a paid reading. I just only do 3 validations. It still takes almost a half an hour when your speaking to people. My time is as valuable as yours. Please keep this in mind when setting appointments with me. I love doing readings. It's my favorite thing to do. Even the free mini photo readings. I love to help someone if I can. But it's not fun when people don't hold up their end. And you will get much more out of it if you schedule a time when you can gave a bit of peace to concentrate on your reading. I need your energy as well to help call in spirit. Love and light to you All.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Not without Permission

Don't be concerned about spending time with a medium or intuitive. As long as they are a moral person they won't do what we call "psychic peaking". A medium should never look into someone's life without permission. That is what a reading is for. I personally have gotten messages from the other side from relatives of my friends. But I ask them if they want the message before delivering it. And I cannot control what spirit does when it comes to bringing me messages. It usually very important that I get the messages to my friends. Spirit doesn't have the energy to waste time with things of little meaning. Though they do like to play games. That's another post lol. I will do readings that center on your lives. And it can be incredible what comes to the surface. Or it can be difficult. And be something you need to face head on. But only with your permission will I do a reading. When I go somewhere I shut myself off from people. It's too hard not to pick up everyone's emotions. It's difficult to live that way if your picking up what others are feeling all the time. It's actually exhausting. So the last thing we want to be doing is snooping into the personal lives of our friends or family without expressed permission. So the next time your hanging out with a medium or intuitive realize your secret is safe as long as you want it to be. Live and Light to you All!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Wolf Moon

The first full moon of 2017 is called the Wolf Moon. Native Americans named the full moon's hundreds of years ago. The January full moon was called the Wolf Moon because when the food was scarce for the wolves in the winter they would gather outside of the villages of the tribes and howl. Particularly in the month of January. I am not sure but I think I would have found this quite unnerving especially if I were a young mother. I love the coyotes singing but what it usually means is nit exactly something to celebrate unless your a coyote. I love wolves and would love a wolf mix pup. Their loyalty is rarely matched without being vicious. And seems you can see into their soul with those piercing blue eyes. But I digress. As you can tell I have a love fir them. It is wonderful fir me to start a year that feels so full of promise with an animal that calls to my soul. Does it call to yours? What a better night to charge your crystals and tarot cards under the full moon rays. The moon will set early in the morning if your on the west coast. So if your an early riser you should get to see it. Or if your like me up all night you will have the pleasure if it's not obscured by clouds. It's difficult in winter. But remember it's also intention and the moon rays will get through the clouds to charge your crystals and you can sage them if you think they need more attention. I just bought a book I recommend for telling you what crystals clean themselves and how to care for them. It's the Crystal Bible. It's not very expensive. Just over ten dollars but offers a wide variety clearly written of information about what the crystals are good for. I really admit to being a novice. There is so much to learn. I could spend the rest of my life doing nothing but crystals. But being a medium and healer and helping people is my main focus. I hope the full moon brings you peace as it does me. It's also exciting. I am fascinated with the moon. And how it effects our Mother Earth. Have a fun full moon night. Live & Light to you All! Howl at the moon at least once tonight! 😉

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Free To Make Dreams Reality

For those of you who follow numerology at all you know that 2017 is the "1" year of the nine year cycle. Its a very exciting time. Especially if you jump on the bandwagon of the of the great changes that can come with a number one year. But you have to be the one making the changes. The great thing is just days ago we finally came out of mercury retrograde. Which loves to play havoc in our lives. Nothing ever feels like it is going the way it should during these times. It is always the little gremlins that get in the way. But a number one year is a year of new beginnings. If you have put off starting a dream now is the time. Your holding your own fate in your hands. Even in numerology nothing is set in stone. We are the masters of our lives not victims of our fate. If we don't like how our lives our going it is simply our job to change our stars. It doesn't matter if it takes 20 years to accomplish your dream. If your working on it then your accomplishing it. And your pride in trying to reach the end goal should be high. Some things worth having are not easy. My goal for the first half of this year is to work on promoting my website. And to finally start writing my book. My book is not about how I became a medium but how I survived my childhood and marriage. Then turned my life around when I thought I didn't want to take another breath because the mental and physical pain was just more than I could take anymore. I had reached out for help several times and could not get the help I needed. Had I not asked for help one last time I would not be here. Because honestly I could not take another day of it. That's the hard part of always being an intuitive.  Because I also didn't know how to shut out other peoples pain and took it in like a sponge and wanted to help everyone. Now I help people in a positive way. And its uplifting and heartwarming. I want to continue to bring peace to peoples lives. I am going to share with you each month what I am doing in my journal. I challenge you all to get even just a notebook and journal with me the next few months. Tomorrow we will start the first month of the journaling practice. Good luck and comment if you will that you are finding it useful or helpful. Love and Light to you All.

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...