Saturday, December 31, 2016

Flourish extenended

I found this lovely quote this afternoon after writing my blog and needed to share it. Seemed fitting.


I was sitting here playing bejeweled contemplating what I wanted to end the year on my blog with and start the New Year with something of meaning. Never think that Hod doesn't work in mysterious ways. Because I get a news blurb from Fox that simply says choose the word flourish for your word in 2017. The definition of flourish according to the Merrimack-Webster dictionary is to 1. Grow luxuriantly. 2. To achieve success. B. To be in a state of activity or production c. To reach a height if development of influence. 3. To make bold sweeping gestures. There is so much to be gained by making this your word for the year. Because whether your working on spiritual, personal, or career goals (or all the above). This word does not limit you. Remember try not to make New Years resolutions or to call them that. We are not good at keeping resolutions that we make at New Years. So set sort term realistic goals. Even long term goals. Write some affirmations that pertain to your goals and if you choose the word flourish as your word for the year add it to your affirmations or at least one. Say your affirmations in front of the mirror at least twice preferably three times a day and say them each three times. It's amazing how affirmations can change behavior. Keep them positive. There can be no negative words in an affirmation. Not even words you think might not be. Stay very positive and uplifting. The one I used when I lost weight the first time was I am slim, healthy and physically fit and I feel engertic proud and confident. It helped me Lose 70 pounds. I need it agin after gaining the weight back after breaking both feet and being immobile for 18 months. Excited to get started now that I have been released to do so. I know I gave the tools. It's my goal among others this year. I wish for you an exciting, prosperous, spirit filled New Year. Love & Light to you All!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon Magic

Tonight is the New Moon. Time once again especially tonight with the New Year fast approaching to set your new intentions for the coming month. Think of all the good you can accomplish in your life if you set your goals tonight under the new moon. How exciting will it be to have the power of the moon lifting your intentions and goals.its already in numerology a time of new beginnings. With the e d of the nine year cycle and the beginning of the next. It's time to set a whole new set of intentions. You can set long term and short term intentions. You can just feel it in the air like this is a jump off point for something exciting. Like something new and us just around the corner you never saw coming and it's going to change your life. Grab hold and run with it like you never have before. Think of all the possibilities a new year brings. So today take a piece of paper and write down your intentions for the month. All the things you want to accomplish before the next new moon. Don't be unrealistic. And be kind to yourself. Then if you can at 11:54pm (otherwise wait until dark) and go outside and read your letter to the New Moon. Remember there won't be a moon to see tonight. While reading your letter really feel yourself setting your intentions to the universe. Keep in mind your intentions can be anything. You want to not be running late everyday, you want to be kinder to people, you want to study something you have always loved, your going to excercise more, or whatever it is you are looking to do. Your the one who knows what needs to change in your life. Change it! It is possible. It's not always easy but it can be the most worthwhile accomplishment you have ever done. Love & Light to you All!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Christmas

I hope you all enjoyed a Happy Christmas. And especially remembered that it is not always how much you get for Christmas but the thought involved in the gifts received. I had one of the happiest Christmases ever. And there were very little in the way of gifts. The biggest was that I travelled to Oregon to spend the holiday with my ex-husband so he would not be alone since our son is deployed to the sand box. Something we are both very proud of him for. But he spends holidays with his dad since he doesn't have family like I do. My ex husband & I have become best friends after years of ugly and fighting after I left him. I realized I couldn't blame him for everything. It really was 50/50. I had to own my part. And when his mom died we licked ourselves in the house for a week and gave ourselves the biggest gift. We gave ourselves the gift of forgiveness. Not only to each other but to ourselves for the mistakes we made. And now we are friends and no longer hold those mistakes over each other's heads as weapons. We had a fun Christmas Day just the two of us. We had a wonderful dinner. I cooked a prime rib, made gnocchi, rolls, and roasted brussel sprouts. Gnocchi by the way are an Italian potato dumpling served with a sauce. I made a spaghetti sauce this year. Then we watched movies when I wasn't busy cooking. I opted for a couple older ones that my ex agreeded sounded good that he also hadn't seen in years. Usually we give movies for Christmas and watch them but he isn't in to my new genre of movies and was too concerned he would get me the wrong movie. And I bought him a large gift set if a BBC television series we used to watch religiously. It's called " Are you being served?". It was hilarious. We weren't up to getting into 69 episodes of that. But otherwise we just did stockings. My ex had asked for ideas. I to,d him I was having allergic reaction to anything but gold or silver earrings and needs studs. I have 3 holes in each ear. He gave me 3 pairs of some of mom's nice earrings. He asked if that was ok instead of buying them. I said I would much rather have mom's!!! I have some of her other jewelry and think of her every time I wear it and all day while it is on. I can feel her with me. I feel like she is having my adventures with me. So it really is the thought that counts. Love & Light to you All and wishing you had the happiest Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice

Merry Winter Solstice everyone! What a beautiful day to welcome the sun back into our lives and celebrate it's coming. There are many rituals that can be done as a group, family or individual. The fire ritual for individual or groups is one of my favorites. On a small piece of paper write down what you want to release. When everyone's written their release down. Throw it into the fire. Seal the ritual with drumming and a howl. Let yourself be free of what your releasing. There are other rituals if your unable to have a fire. Search the Internet for winter solstice rituals. It's a time of renewal and new beginnings. This ties in with our numerology. Where we are coming to the end of our 9 year cycle. It's an exciting time of change and new beginnings. We have a whole new world to look forward to if we are open to it. There is so much out there to explore. I myself am excited especially after discovering my gifts. I have to keep following the path the Lord has set out for me. Helping all of you find your path is part of that. I can't wait to see where the new year takes us. Happy Winter Solstice! May your rituals bring you peace. Love & Light to you All!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Flying Reading

Readings can happen in the strangest places I found out on my way out of state for the holidays. My first flight of the day was seriously delayed due to the fact the airport I was flying out of was not equipped to handle the freezing temperatures of that morning. It was actually the sun that got us on our way and not de-icing. As I was boarding my plane after having to have my connecting flight rescheduled I noticed the flight attendant greeting us as we boarded. There was something about her and I did more than the quick hi but said to her I hope she had a Merry Christmas. She however was not might flight attendant. She was the first class attendant. When the flight attendants were serving snacks and drinks one of them asked me if I was from Santa Cruz. I said no but near there why? She said I had Santa Cruz silver jewelry on and just looked like it. She asked me what I did for a living. I said I was a medium. Her chin dropped open and she asked me if I could help her friend. The flight attendant I had spoken to when I boarded the plane had lost her adult son recently. She was not doing well. Could I see what I could pick up from her. Well doing that is tough on a plane full of people. If I open myself up I can get anyone's messages. I had shut down so I could block everyone's vibes so to speak. So I tried just concentrating on her for the rest of the flight though I was getting things from others interfering. But on my way off the plane I asked if I could speak to her about her son. I gave her some information she needed to know. It wasn't hard concentrating on her the pain she gave off was like waves of the ocean. I could feel them. A lull and then the next crash. I hope the information I gave her was comforting. I only gave her what I was able to pick up. Would live to have had a quiet place and more time but God puts us where we are supposed to be at the time. Remember that. There is a reason more than I knew that I was coming to Oregon and it wasn't just my desire to be there. Love &  Light to you All!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

So Grateful

As I am preparing to leave to spend my holidays in Oregon I am reflecting at how grateful I am for this past year and for all I really have. I am looking forward to a peaceful & love filled holiday & hope to bring some joy to my ex-husband. That's what I most hope to accomplish on this trip. Holidays when we were married were not always peaceful and happy. There were fights and stress. And I realize how petty it all was. Of course we were two different people then. All I want to do for Christmas is make amazing food & eat & watch movies. A little snuggling on the couch will be in order. As I am grateful for all I have been given. My illness is better so I am able to fly. I am have found my calling this year after a lifetime of searching for what it is I am supposed to do. There are some people that never find what they are looking for. I have been so blessed to have been called to be a light worker for God. And I promise that I was far from your bible thumping Christian. I didn't attend church since childhood really. A couple times when I was married I tried to find a church that fit my needs but never found one I could call home. I had firmly held beliefs though.  I never doubted there was a God. Even when I got diagnosed with my disease. I was angry with him & didn't understand and went through the "Why me". But I never doubted my God. The things I have learned opening myself to the gifts I kept closed off from for so long. Have changed my world. I understand the lessons we are here to learn now. There is no longer a "Why me" its "Why not Me". Its my lesson to learn. And having access to my Spirit Guides and Angels is a blessing that cant be ignored. Everyone has the ability its opening yourself up to your individual gifts. We are not all alike. Every medium is not alike. We all work differently. We see things differently. But we all must be grateful for our lessons and the gifts in this life we have. Because if you look deep into your soul you know your better because of them. Love & Light to you All.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gemini Full Moon & A Mercury Retrograde

If you follow numerology you know that this year ends the 9 year cycle and we start new on January 1st. But what a way to go out with peace and harmony. And that is what the numbers are telling us to do. How to spend the last few weeks of the year. To step back and just put our feet up and enjoy the time with our family and friends. We know this because we start tonight with a Gemini Full moon. While this moon brings in peace do not forget to do the things that need to be done on a full moon. Cleanse your crystals and tarot cards in the full moons beautiful rays. Recharge those batteries of the crystals. And on the 19th we start a mercury retrograde. This retrograde is bringing in peace and harmony. And a time of relaxation. No more stressing over the holidays. Its time to say what is done is done and its ok. Its time to enjoy the time with family. I know this personally because on the 18th I am flying out of state for the holidays. When I get there everything including decorating, the holiday meals, desserts, wrapping the gifts (you cant wrap ahead and fly with them) and just you name it is on me. But I decided in the last few days since I have been ill the last week that I wasn't going to do as much cooking as I originally planned. There s only 2 of us for Christmas and Christmas Eve. How much do we really need? I don't need to do so much I don't enjoy what I actually went up there to do. Which was spend time with my ex-husband. He would rather have my attention happy than tired from spending to much time making things that will be eaten for 5 minutes that took hours to make. Doesn't seem like a good trade off. Not this trip anyway. Keep that in mind. Does the work your doing and the stress your putting on yourself outweigh the benefit in the long run. Will they really notice? Or would they rather have you? My guess is you! Love & Light to you All! Shine Bright on this Full Moon Night.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Can't Beat yourself up

Whether its because you have become incredibly busy because of the holiday season or like me you have succumbed to one of the nasty bugs flying around. In my case bronchitis. Its easy to start not only not doing your meditation but not being able to concentrate when you do try. The list of to do's are running endlessly in your head. And I noticed for me when if you are doing as I suggested and starting with the Prana mediation (guided). I couldn't follow a word that was said. That is my favorite meditation. The fact that I cant follow it is telling. It would be so easy to start beating yourself up as this is just one more thing I am not getting done or doing correctly. But you have to realize everything has a time and a place. Cut the time down if you need to. Try to get some meditation in. Just don't make it as long. If you need to cut out the guided and just wrap yourself up in a blanket and sit quietly for a half an hour without letting anyone disturb you. Then do that. If you need to do just the guided and not the silent. Do that.  But find your peace place during this rushed busy time of year.

 I actually did my first tarot spread on my mother yesterday for something fun. I am not trained to do tarot on the public for big spreads its why I don't offer it. I need to go to school first. But my mom was blown away by the accuracy of the cards. She has never had a tarot reading. She even picked something up on the moon card that I wouldn't have known about. Her best friend who passed many years ago from cancer was coming through to give her a message. A very accurate one. And on the moon card is a wolf and my mom's best friend once bought her a lifetime wolf membership. The cards really do tell all. We also used to sit in her friends hot tub and look at the stars and planets when we visited. That card held multiple meanings. So take time for the small things for yourself. Don't forget if your not at peace and satisfied with your life path then those around you won't be happy either. And this is a joyous time of year. Enjoy the moments. Love & Light to you All!    

Friday, December 9, 2016


This time of year seems to bring the love and caring out in people that I wish we saw on a daily basis and not just during the Christmas season. There is more of a gentleness towards those less fortunate then ourselves. We tend to spend more time visiting family that is infirm in a nursing home, care facility or even in their own home. We just generally give of our selves more. Not only financially but of our hearts.  If you make New Years Resolutions or even promises to yourselves to change. Add the addition of more love & gratitude into your life and watch it come back to you tenfold. What you put out to the Universe is so what you receive back from it. Start a gratitude journal or just a journal so you can gage how you are feeling and if you are living up to the exceptions you want to set for yourself. There is something about paper and pen. Having something written down makes it tangible. Makes it real. I don't really suggest calling something a New Years Resolution. We often forget about that by the 3rd week of January. Call it goal setting, call it a life change or simply don't call it anything and just do it. I myself have several journals for different purposes. I have the journal to write my daily notes in. Or even my frustrations. I have one strictly for my psychic experiences. I have one for the tarot spreads I do for myself so that I can go back and look at them and see if they have either been accurate or if I am following the path set. Then I have notebooks like crazy of all my medium classes that I constantly refer to. I am not a computer junky. I am a pen and paper girl. I still write many hand written notes and letters. I know how excited I get to get mail in the mailbox that isn't a bill. Its the little touches that we do for people that mean the most. So send out your best love and light to the Universe and feel it in return. Love and Light to you All!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Exciting News

So I hope this news gets my blog readers excited! I have opened a webpage on Facebook called Love & Light Medium Janis Mini Photo Reading's. These readings are free. And you can have one every 30 days. They are only mini readings though and you need to keep this in mind. You can post pictures of loved ones who have passed or one of yourself depending on what your looking to find out. Though spirit works how spirit wants. So I have seen someone post a picture of themselves and have a loved one come through anyway to talk to them. Its a beautiful thing when that happens really. Its so unexpected. So just post your pictures and be open to calling spirit. And love will come in whatever form it is meant to. Can't wait to share these experiences with you. If you would like longer readings make appointments on my website. Love and Light to you All as we get ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Some people never realized where my little outbursts would come from. But I walked around up until abut 3 years ago now being angry with the world. I promise if you read this and you feel you can relate find a way yourself to let it go. I never thought I could find peace and I have. But I was molested as a child starting at 8 by three different people. My family was oblivious to it. Didn't notice that I drank everyday in junior high and most of high school. Carried a bubble bottle with brandy that I drank on the way to school. I just wanted to be numb. My biological father had dislocated my elbow, beat me, burned me and kidnapped me all before the age of 5. And by 12 he made me so less than nothing and walked out of my life telling me it was my fault. I saw him maybe 4 times between 12 and 40. Thank God for my Dad (my step-dad). He was the one who was there in the moments of tough times. And never made me feel less than. Though he did drink. And because he did my mother worked and was never home and never around. So I was pregnant and married to a man who wanted me to be something I wasn't at 18. I stayed unhappily married to him for fear of trying to be myself for 22 years. I lost my life due to fear. The final straw was when I got sick. Having RSD actually gave me more strength in the end. Before I finally broke I had the courage to leave an unhappy marriage. But I found myself on my knees. I had spent close to 30 years with this person & I did love them. And they were gone.  If we did talk it was ugly. I almost took my own life. No one again around me seemed to notice or care the dark hole I was in. It astonished me that once again I had no one to trust but myself. So I found myself treatment. And did all the work and turned my life around. I found out by no ones surprise really I had PTSD. Which is under control. I have the most incredible team of doctors. You have to become your own best advocate. You can trust no one better to take care of your needs than the person who looks back at you in the mirror. They answer to know one but you, they take care of no ones needs better than you, they love no one more than you. Because they are YOU! I lived this and learned it. I have become my own best advocate. I wont lie to you and tell you that I don't slip and not speak up for myself now and again. Lifetime habits die hard deaths. But I am also learning to do it in a softer more gentle less confrontational way. Its amazing how much further this approach goes. This blog isn't all about tarot, spirits, and seeing beyond the veil. Because this will never happen for you if your house isn't in order. I by your house I mean your life. It starts from within. To talk to the angels you first need to be able to love including yourself openly, unselfishly. Love and light to you All.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Manifestions Realized

I am amazed myself at the power of manifestations. And I am so excited to share my experience with all of you.  It is something I learned in my last class Master of Life. We did dream boards either online or on poster board. I did mine the old fashioned way on poster board. It is funny that I had been saving magazines for just such a project on my own. I had done one before in college and was unhappy with the results and had looked forward to a rainy day project. To me online made the project less tangible. The idea is to see your dreams daily and see them becoming reality. We also wrote a manifestation for something we needed or wanted in our life. The idea is to write it in as much detail as possible then say it out loud three times daily for three weeks. Then give it over to the Universe.  It doesn't matter if it is a material wish. God isn't going to smack you down for wishing for a more comfortable life. But let me tell you about my manifestation that became reality. On my poster board is new cloths. I have gained a bunch of weight since breaking both feet. But I am terrible and will not pay full price for cloths. And I am picky.  I like name brands and boho style funky cloths that fit my crazy personality. I am a medium after all. Well I don't do the crowds on Black Friday anymore. I just cant after breaking both feet and having full body RSD now. Its just too much to get up in the middle of the night to go shopping and I will NOT go out on Thanksgiving Day. So I was at home on the afternoon of Friday after Thanksgiving cleaning up all my junk email and had some really good deals in my inbox. I had a $20 credit from a company that had a sweatshirt I had wanted for a couple years. It cost me just over $15 with shipping. Then Kohl's sent me an email and I got 3 pair of pants that I desperately needed for my trip to Oregon for Christmas. That rewarded me with $15 dollars of the Kohl's bucks that started the next day. Well finally Sunday I got online to see if they even had anything I would want and found two perfect sweaters, plus two long sleeve shirts to wear under things and a pair of jammie pants with my discounts I got it all for the Original price of one of the sweaters. So I had manifested my desire for cloths and the price I was willing to pay for them. I even got a pair of boots. And they have already arrived. So when you wish for it and send it out to the Universe. You can get what you need and want. Its all in how you do it and live your life.
Love & Light to you All!!! And happy Manifesting!
PS Only one true manifestation at a time. DONT  BE GREEDY! 

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I hope this finds you all having had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family & friends. I also hope that you didn't start shopping until Friday unless it was on the internet. Frankly I find the stores opening on Thursday highly offensive. I reward those that don't by spending my Christmas money with them. Last year R.E.I. gave both Thursday & Friday off to their employees and shut down their stores. I did quite a bit of shopping there letting management know why I was there. Its important to tell management so that they will continue the trend and allow their employees to be at home with their families where they belong. I had actually hoped to spend my day alone. I had all these plans to color in my adult color books and meditate. Cook myself this quick but lovely dinner. But it started earlier in the day when I decided to help my mom by trying to get the software downloaded for virus protection. I spent most of the day attempting to perform this task on the 3 computers only to have 2 fail because of our terrible internet. Kept reminding myself it was the thought that counted. As I dreamt how I would rather be doing just about anything else. My mother had gone out and stopped the neighbor to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving when she saw him driving out and I swore I overheard him say he was going to be alone. Mom confirmed this when she came in so when I thought he was in cell phone range I called and asked if he wanted t share my non-traditional Thanksgiving with me. He looked and mom said very lonely and depressed when he was leaving. He never called back and came home a couple hours later. So I put my puppy on a leash. Mostly so she wouldn't jump the fence and follow me anyway. And walked down to my neighbors. He had not heard my message but seemed so happy to take me up on my offer of dinner. I had no idea that what I thought was selfless. Because honestly I thought I would rather be alone. Would turn into the best Thanksgiving I had in years and years. We talked for 3 hours straight. No awkward silence. Like two old friends catching up after not seeing each other. It was an amazing gift and I was so happy not to be alone for the first time in quite awhile. Doing good things for others usually makes you feel good. But not always does it become a gift for your very soul. My neighbor reminded me why I used to always do things like this. It is love. Love for your neighbor, friends, family that is not tainted with wanting something in return. And it does fuel the soul. Without true untainted love we are nothing. Happy Thanks...Giving to you all!! Love & Light too.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Sorry I have been missing. I have a rare neurological disorder called reflex sympathetic dystrophy. It is the worst pain disease known to doctors. The disease was discovered during the civil war and was originally called causalgia. The doctors then could not understand why when the soldiers injuries healed they still had this relentless horrific pain. I am considered a type 2 which means caused by injury. My original injury was when I was 21 and crushed my right hand. But my disease has spread due to surgery and other injuries and just the disease itself. In 2015 I broke both feet. I was lucky in that RSD only spread really bad in one foot. Though it does affect a couple of my internal organs as well. I have been in a major flare up of my disease which is why I have not been posting as normal. It has been the worst flare up I have had in years. What I have found though is I am not staying in bed as I would have with even smaller flare ups. The changes I have made in my life have made a profound impact and wanted to tell you this not for sympathy but so you can see what positivity can do. And meditation. I have continued through the pain to practice Prana and then one hour of silent mediation a day. I promise you when you are in as much pain as I am its even more difficult to turn off the chatter in you head. When I am in pain I want talking noise. I cant stand music it sends me over the edge. But I like monotone talking. I have a bunch of shows I tape for just such occasions. I have also practiced positivity during this flare. I also promise this has not been easy. It would have been easier to give in to it and lay on my bed and cry. Yes, it is that bad and way worse then your imagination. On the McGillis pain scale a fracture is a 20 and RSD is 48.  The highest above cancer pain and the amputation of a finger or toe. That gives a glimpse of what I am trying to explain. Doing the meditation will actually bring my pain level at least for a short period. It is very helpful and I now understand why my doctors pushed so hard for me to have a regular schedule of it when I first got sick. I tried a few times but wasn't in a supportive environment. That has changed. I also have surrounded myself with like minded positive people. If you are with negative people get them out of your life. I don't care if they are family at least distance yourself. Positivity from those around you is all you need. Thank you for understanding my absence. I hopefully will be better in the next few days. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's Not Easy

I don't want anyone to think that changing your life is an easy process. We are bombarded everyday with negative messages. Whether it be by the media, newspapers, internet, magazines or our very own friends and family. But its what we decided to do or not do with that negativity that stands between us and being able to connect with the other side. Because we all have the capability. Not just mediums who have found their gifts. Every person is born with the intuition. That's why so many children are seen talking to spirit. Children are open. It took me three years to shed the pain of the past and go through enough schooling I felt I could offer my abilities to others. But what was holding me back from connecting to the other side even though my whole life I saw spirits and was extremely intuitive (more than an average person) was my inability to let go of my childhood abuse and abandonment. And my marriage was less then happy it was verbally abusive and I needed to remove myself from that situation in order for abilities to flourish. If your vibrations aren't high the messages from spirit become lost. They cant reach you through all the turmoil already going on in your head. You have to clean up the playground so to speak so the real fun can begin. Honestly connecting with spirit is surprising, amazing and such a gift. Though honestly you wonder how it is you can possibly know what you know and just have to realize it is truly a gift from God and your spirit guides are guiding you. But remember change for anyone for anything does not happen overnight. And anything worth doing takes time. So don't give up. Whether that is changing for the positive. Don't forget to use Cancel Cancel! Or hoping to improve your intuition so you can reach the heavens & pierce the veil. Love & Light to you all! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Silent Space Meditation

Meditation on it's own takes practice. The next thing you know when your in meditation your thinking about the grocery list you need to right or the cell phone bill that needs to be paid or how you need to contact your child's baseball coach. Or one of the other 50 million things on our to do lists of life. But meditation is where we need to stop. Step outside of our responsibilities and take time to renew. We need to let those thoughts just pass by and not dwell on them when they come to us during meditation. I told you I would keep you up to date on my Master in Life class. Well our journey this week leads us to silent meditation. Honestly something I am not very good at and need to improve upon. I have a hard time in silent meditation turning off the to do list. I don't have this problem in guided meditation as often as I am able to concentrate on the journey. And able to reach spirit if it is a journey to a loved one. I can cross through the veil to the Akash. I am blessed by Source to have these skills. But I must have lessons to learn in this journey to find my way to the silent space. I practiced today and was able to get my mind quiet for about 10 minutes of the 20 minutes I did silent meditation. My goal is to be able to do Prana meditation followed by an hour of silent meditation. It is my understanding you can cross the veil and magical things can happen to someone who is able to create that silent space. It is my goal. I will keep you informed on my progress. Wish me luck. It is not an easy goal for someone with PTSD. It is not easy to shut off the mind. But when I do it the peace I will find both in & out of silent meditation will be something wonderful. I don't plan on giving up until I accomplish this goal. I hope all of you are practicing meditation daily. Its life changing. Love and light to you all!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Gossip is a nasty weapon. It inevitably always gets back to the person who is being gossiped about. And I guarantee you if you practice in gossip you are lowering your vibrations and moving away from Source and spirit. The dictionary defines gossip as a person who habitually talks about the personal lives or behavior of others. Or delves and talks about intimate details of another persons life. Its not gossip if you are speaking directly to the person but when you take that same information and go behind their back and share it. Or a fight between two people becomes fodder for the masses. That is Gossip. I will readily admit I used to be one that listened and engaged to gossip. It is not something I tolerate at all in my life at any level anymore. My job especially requires me to keep a code of ethics and conduct. I cannot be discussing my clients. It is your job to share your stories. I may share snippets of things I am able to see in a reading. But I would never disclose to who I am  reading. Everyone deserves privacy. And not just for a reading but in their lives. Gossip is hurtful and mean. Before you get involved in a conversation that involves gossip think if these people talk like this about you when you're not there. Then try to turn the conversation to a positive direction or just literally put your foot down to stop the gossip. Warriors are rewarded in heaven. Be a warrior. Raise your vibrations and get closer to Source and Spirit! Love and Light to you All!

Sorry its been a few days since I posted I haven't felt well.  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Paradox Shift

Last night I was up in the middle of the night for hours. And up and down the rest of the night. I was feeling agitated and was pacing in my bedroom and playing video games to try to wind down and distract myself so I could go back to sleep. When I went to my physical therapist this morning I find out she had the same problem and had called a friend that is a medium and she also had not slept. We talked about the paradox shift we felt in the atmosphere. Just a total feeling of negativity trying to take over. And a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. I came home and got online and posted a message on the board where I speak to other mediums. I found out pretty much every single one that was empathic had felt the shift last night and had not slept. This wont only affect mediums but we are just more aware of it. Be careful not to let negativity win in your life right now. This will pass. Try to add magnesium and vitamin D  to your vitamins or up the dosage if your not sleeping or have additional aches and pains that come with stress. Negativity feeds on stress. So try to wake with a smile on your face. Light wins over darkness. The election is weighing heavy across the globe. U.S. politics affects the world. And we believe part of the negativity is coming from the upcoming election. So don't pray for your candidate to win. Pray to God for the best possible outcome for the world. Because he knows what that is and we really don't. Stay positive my friends. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I wasn't able to do a blog post yesterday because I received a phone call that my childhood neighbor I have known for 40 years that is really more like family was in the hospital on her death bed. I just saw her in the last couple months and she was up just fine. So to hear this was devastating. My mother and I rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon. This beautiful woman & her husband were like an extra set of parents for me growing up. We lived on an awesome street where neighbors took care of neighbors. When I was about 6-7 years old her husband had just pulled up from work when I went out my front door screaming my head off. I had been doing an art project and stapled my finger and the staple was embedded in it. Nate pulled the staple out and took me in his house and cleaned and bandaged my finger. Wiping away my tears the entire time. And I spent a great deal of time going to church with Gracie and cooking in the kitchen with her after school. There are decades of stories I could tell. Like I said they are our family. But Gracie broke her leg two weeks ago and they took a biopsy and found bone cancer. No one had any idea she had cancer. In two weeks she went from fine to days until she will be gone. But there is beauty in it and this is what I am getting to. Just before her fall because she wasn't able to get around like she used to she said she wanted God to take her home. And when this happened she told the family she is ready to go home. Not home to her house but "Home" to the Lord. When there is no fear of death because you either have a deep faith in religion or God or your heart knows your going to heaven there is a peace in that. There is a big difference I see just watching the way my grandmother was and the way my friend is. My grandmother was afraid to die as much as she wanted to be with my grandfather. And he ended up coming to get her on the 14th anniversary of his death. So she would not be as afraid. The Lord allowed me to see the vision of them going to heaven together. But with my friend you could see her peace yesterday. They are taking her home but she will be ready when the angels come and tell her its time. She will go prancing towards heaven to see the Lord. You don't have to practice any form of religion to believe in God and in heaven. As long as you live a reasonably good life your place is secure in heaven. Cuss, drink a couple drinks, even forget to pay your taxes on time, & even gossip a little. Your still going to heaven. Your spot is reserved! Love & Light to you All! Please say a prayer for the family of my friend so that their pain is eased.     

Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Samhain

Happy Samhain my Wiccan friends or Happy Halloween. This is the best day of the year for a medium. Its the day the veil is the thinnest. I plan to spend my evening contacting my loved ones, doing tarot card readings and going to the Akash. Its also the second night of a New Moon. Its not too late to start a New Moon ritual. I highly suggest it if you have never done it. Its soul cleansing and refreshing. One of the New Moon Rituals is to hand write all of your wishes, dreams and desires on a piece of paper. Please be as detailed as you can. Take it outside and read it. Before doing so thank the Universe and the New Moon for hearing you. Fold the list and keep it somewhere safe. Read it every night outside until the full moon. On the last night read it to the full moon. Then light a candle & burn the paper. Trusting that the universe will provide. There are several other New Moon rituals. A wonderful cleansing bath with essential oils and salt that you can find the directions on Pinterest. As well as the New Moon Chant. Perfect things to do on All Hallows Eve. I am studying Wiccan but do not consider myself Wiccan. I have too much to learn about the religion before I make educated decision whether its something I want to be apart of. I still have read enough though that I respect the religion. Probably more than I respect most modern day organized religion.  Wiccan Religion freely admits some of their doctrine has changed. Well of course it has they are not working with people of the same simple minds of those before. And as time changes things are understood at a different level then before.  While most religions aren't quite as forthcoming when they and why they change doctrine. Halloween actually began all the way back to the Celtics. Where Wiccan religion gets its origin.  The Celtics lit bonfires and wore costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. It was known as Samhain Day. In the 8th Century Pope Gregory taking some of the Celtic traditions Samhain and adding to it made November 1st All Saints Day. The evening before was known as All Hallows Eve the Halloween. Though unlike Christmas that has become so overly commercialized we hardly recognize the true meaning of the holiday anymore. All Hallows Eve is still largely the same as it was in the beginning. And we hope as light workers that never changes. Love & Light to you All. And may you all meet spirit this wonderful night.   

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Halloween Adventure

Image result for san juan bautista ca   Going to the town of San Juan Bautista, California tonight on a Ghost Walk. As a medium I can tell you there are many spirits just walking the streets of this small town so going into some of the old buildings will be quite interesting. I don't plan on leaving my house without grounding and protecting first. I don't feel like bringing anything home with me. And spirits are drawn to the light. Mediums and healers are light workers of God. Its imperative to protect yourself before going ghost hunting for anyone. You do not want to bring anything home with you. Good, bad or indifferent. Removing an entity is not easy. Especially attached to a person. But I am still looking forward to tonight and hope to catch a spirit on camera as I have done in the past. I happen to spend a great deal of time in San Juan Bautista because of the mission. It is home to the largest of the 21 missions built in California. The mission was founded on June 24, 1797. It is like stepping back in time there. I have gone to mass there. Having been baptized and had my communion as a Catholic as a child I do enjoy the ritual of it all. But mostly I just go to the mission to pray. And light candles for my family. It is a very peaceful place. Though I have heard and seen spirits in buildings on the grounds of the mission. I have a feeling with the veil so thin that tonight could be quite active. And I am looking forward to it. I just hope I am in a respectful group. Because what people seem to forget is these were people and still are just in a different energy then when we last saw them. Love & Light to you All!  

Friday, October 28, 2016

Trying to get my attention

Someone on the other side is once again trying to get my attention. Feathers are showing up in my life again. This time they are tiny little soft fluffy feathers. The strangest two have been after I vacuumed my bedroom I was dusting it a couple hours later. When I went to dust my jewelry cabinet there was a feather where I had vacuumed. The dogs had been outside all day. The second one was the very next day. My puppy Charlie was sitting next to me on my porch. All of sudden she takes off at a full run on to the yard which is now dirt because of the drought. But which used to be a nice yard of a grass. But she goes over to a little hole and puts her nose in it. Turns and looks at me. I look and she has her nose right on a little fuzzy feather. She just walked away after that and came back on the porch. You know I went and collected the feather. There was no way I couldn't. I have tried using only my intuition to figure out who is trying to contact me and I think I have an idea. But the idea of it is so emotionally overwhelming I have not delved into it any further. I guess luckily I have been busy. But I wont stay busy and will need to cross the veil or get the them to cross the veil to be sure. If I am right it is the child I lost before they were ever born. I feel the baby with my Grandmother. There are great things about being a medium and there are hard things about being a medium. This is one of those that falls in the middle. I get to see my baby again before I die. But I also have to deal with the loss again. And possibly see what he would have grown to be. Even before I knew I was a medium I knew I was intuitive. And I knew that baby was boy. And I know what he looks like. I have seen his face in dreams and in my minds eye. This is also something I can do for you if you have lost a baby. I can help you reach your child on the other side. Its tough to do. But knowing who they are with and that they are ok. Is such a blessing. God bless all of you who have lost a child in any way. Love and Light to you All!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Free Reading?

I am offering the chance at a free reading with me. To win you can go to my website at and send me your name and contact information to enter. Or you can do the same on my Facebook page Psychic Medium Janis and post your name and contact information. I will be giving away one photo or personal reading to the winner. Their choice. The contest is open until Halloween night October 31, 2016 at midnight. Cant wait to do the winners reading for you. Enter for your chance to win.

Love & Light to you All!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Spirit Animals

I have wondered who my spirit animals were but I figured it would come to me when it was time. Considering I have the tattoo of a hummingbird on my ankle I knew the hummingbird was one of them. And the fact I have one hummingbird that flies to say good morning to me everyday and shows no fear me. I have even touched her. Was a pretty good sign I was correct. But deep in my soul I knew I had others and was waiting for the answer to my question who were they. But our guides give us these answers when we are ready for them. I got the answer this week of who at least one of my other spirit animals were. It is the bobcat. And when discussing this with a friend she said she had a book with the meaning of the spirit animals. When she got home last night she sent me the pages of my two spirit animals. I shouldn't be but was still surprised how well the animals fit me. I don't know why I am still surprised when this happens. Its not a mistake or an accident that our numbers in numerology or our spirit animals or guides match up to us. It is a divine plan. Hummingbirds sing the song of pure joy with their vibration. If hummingbirds are your spirit animal as it is mine you love life and all it's joys. You also like a hummingbird will die if caged, caught or imprisoned. Whether that's in a bad relationship, bad job, or just in your own unhappy life. If a hummingbird shoes itself to you upside down its contrary. A contrary hummingbird sings a forlorn song. Its means its time for you to look inside yourself and deal with your personal pain and find your joy. I have had to do this. And honestly it took me several years to deal with my pain and find my joy again. The bobcat is fascinating. I have learned I get one of my clairvoyance from the bobcat. The ability to see what others hide from themselves and others. I am very good at seeing this in my family. I don't go around reading strangers. That's psychic peeking and its against the rules for a medium who cares and takes their life seriously and stays in the light and in positivity. But I also learned in the Contrary just like with the hummingbird that the bobcat wants you to Shut your mouth. Your talking to much and being a Know it All! I could be this way when I was not happy. I have changed so much I am willing to see where I went wrong and am so glad I have changed. I need to change to raise my vibrations and let the light in. You don't need to go to church every Sunday to Love God and do his work. I do his work everyday. He gave me these gifts to be a light worker. And I hope to help everyone either heal, reach their loved ones on the other side or find answers to their questions or just become happier people. Have a great day! And Love & Light to All!         

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Angels on Earth

Have you ever wondered if not only do Angels exist but do they come to Earth? This photo taken by my childhood friend Mark Gouker at Mission San Juan Bautista in San Juan Bautista, California answers that question. Mark was with his son on a class field trip to the Mission. When he was simply snapping a picture of the alter. There are no windows in the sanctuary that could have caused a light anomaly like this. Notice also the light is coming up from the floor and going up. These three angels were clearly there to give Mark a message of love. Did you know anyone can call on the angels for help? Everyone always prays to God and he can decide to help or not to because of free will. Sometimes its better to pray and ask for the Angels to help and call on divine intervention from an army of Angels. Next time you are ill or are in need of help try this. But make sure its not a frivolous request. You don't need a good hair day. Maybe good traffic to get to that awesome job interview you have waited a lifetime for. But not good hair for it. Your angels and spirit guides are always ready to help you. We all have them not just mediums. And if you call on them and believe in your heart they will help you. They will. There is an entire army at your disposal if you are willing to use it for the power of good. Call on your angels to help you. They will gladly come. 
Love & Light to you all!   

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Journey Begins

You know a class resonates with you when you are driven from laughter to tears in the same class. I don't write my blog on Sundays and was tempted to do so I so wanted to share one of the things that I learned. I have been on a personal journey for the last three years to bring peace to my life. The first three years after my divorce I felt like I was falling off a cliff of despair especially after losing my Dad only 5 months after leaving my husband that I had dated since 14 years old. I literally knew no life without these two men in it and now they were both gone. It brings me still to tears as I write this remembering the pain I felt. It drove to actually attempt to take my own life. I couldn't take it. But I something inside was still fighting and I reached out for help. Since my life as become a series of awakening's. Its amazing when your truly happy for the first time in your life how different the world looks. But that doesn't mean I am far from finishing learning how to be better or happier person. Everyday is a chance to learn. And yesterday we learned about conscious detachment. Conscious detachment sounds negative but its the opposite. Its the ability to allow the negativity in this life to slide off of you or to realize that it is either a lesson for you or a lesson for the other person without getting upset by it. Its just simply a lesson in life. This allows you to stay positive and allow all the positive in. If you can learn to do this not only will your vibrations be higher. You will be just literally be a more relaxed happier person to be around. This isn't easy. I am not saying it is. But anything worth doing isn't always easy. And it will take practice. Your not going to get it overnight. But imagine a life where you don't let the negative effect you. What a bright loving life that would be. Love & light to you all.  

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Picture of Spirit

This is the picture that started me on my journey!
It is taken at Smith Rock State Park in Terrebonne, Oregon. A rock climbing mecca. I went to write letter and watch the sunrise and take pictures. Its a peaceful place especially early on a summer morning. I was actually taking pictures of that little bird that flew across from me and got one before the spirit shows up in the next shot. I have two with just the bird and two with the spirit. You can see clearly the curve of his elbow and shoulder. The texture to his shirt or coat and the gap between his arm and torso. It shocked me completely when I saw the pictures and at the time I was ill equipped to deal with it. I would like to go back next year at the same time on the same day and try to connect with this spirit again. I would like to help him cross over if I can if it wasn't one of my own family trying to reach me.
Love and Light to you all!
Hope you enjoy the picture! 

Friday, October 21, 2016

So excited!

I am so excited...Tomorrow is my first weekend of full classes. Its the second class I will have of my Healer102 class. It is my wish to become the best Spiritual Healer I can for you. Being able to do healing, distance healings and to connect my clients to their guides and angels as God intended for me to do is what I want to do. And the best way to do that is to continue my schooling. The second class I am taking this term and can't wait to share with you as I go along on this wonderful journey is Master of Life. There will be twists and turns in this class I am sure none of us see coming. It is with my favorite teacher at Zenith School of Metaphysics Brian Anderson. He is an extraordinary medium. You do not have to be a medium to take classes at Zenith or through Learn it Live. There are all kinds of classes to teach you to meditate or use your boundaries or intuition better.  This class will also help improve my medium skills. Every class I have taken from spirit guide intuitive to healer is to answer the calling I feel in heart from God. I feel I am supposed to help not only people connect with the other side, improve their lives from what I can tell them, but also help spirit. Whether that is to finally cross over or to resolve issues or say their goodbyes that were left unsaid. I was able to connect my first love with his family when he passed away to young and in an unexpected accident. It breaks my heart my friend is gone. But when I found that he had crossed over I was so happy. Because I knew he was safe on the other side and not in pain. Then I answered his call to connect to his family. Risking it might make me sound like a crazy person. But it was his and God's wish. And it was my job to do as I was asked. Thankfully the intention was received as sent. With love. As all my messages are sent to you. With love and light.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


I have become fascinated with numerology. I find its accuracy to be overwhelming at times. I had a 142 page report done on my numerology and have yet to read it all yet or correlate the parts that need to be. Its quite an exhausting process. But the first 50 pages I have read have been scarily accurate and I know I am now on the right path of my life. I was born to be a medium. And there is little surprise in my life path that there was so much abuse. My illness is even in the report. My illness and the subsequent things that followed were the catalyst to my opening the doors to my gift. We all have it. Whether or not we know how to use it. I had been intuitive and seen spirit my whole life. I just didn't know what to do with it. Capturing spirit on camera was the final straw for me to do something. I knew if spirit would let that happen I had to find out what else I could do. I actually studied a little numerology before going to school for medium training. I wouldn't say that a numerology study made up my mind for me but it was a little push that I was going in the right direction. When your intuition is telling you to go and you get a numerology report saying that its your life's work. It will make you take notice. I wouldn't recommend anyone quit a job and start a whole new life based on one. But if its one of a few things all adding up to the same answer then your on the right track. Its something I personally believe in. But you need either a good numerologist or you need to know how to read your charts yourself correctly. A mistake could send you in the wrong direction. Just something to consider with using a medium and tarot to improve your life. Love & Light!   

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do mediums need mediums?

Do mediums seek the advice of other mediums? The answer to that question is a resounding yes. Most mediums will get readings by other mediums they respect or are close to. The reason's are many. We can't always read ourselves, our own emotions get in the way of reading and we can actually block ourselves from doing a proper reading. And I am sure I am missing other reason's but this is three at the top. I was having an impossible time connecting with my dad. I knew in my heart my grief and guilt over not calling him the day he died was probably what was blocking me from reaching him. I found out recently that my phone call would have changed nothing but I have lived with this "what if" for 6 years. And my dad was my closest parent. Probably because he choose to be my dad. You see he was my step-dad. But you would have never been able to tell from our relationship. We were father and daughter to the soul. So we have a website available to the public for photo readings. You just have to be ok with students doing your readings at times. I posted my photo of my dad & I when I was child  & have waited for months for a reading. Today I got my reading. She was scarily accurate. She knew he loved fast cars...he used to race. She saw pineapples. Well it was apples he was trying to convey because he ran his own orchard and worked for my grandfather in his. And then she gave me lyrics to a Carole King song. I didn't tell the medium right away but I didn't think it was for me but for my mom. She told me a couple other things my dad would say to me. And we ended the session. I called my mom. I found out she was crying in the kitchen missing dad this morning because yesterday would have been there anniversary. I knew the song wasn't for me. As a medium I still have my own intuitions. The reading was for us both. Just a few weeks ago I was travelling back from Oregon and stopped at my dad's grave. I told him I was going to release the guilt that I wasn't there to save him because I couldn't have stopped his death if I was even in the house. Let alone on the phone 2500 miles away. The day after I got home there was not a drop of wind. And mom was in the living room and I was on the porch at the other end of the house. And this wind chime I bought her years ago when she lived with dad in Oklahoma rang 3 times. That's was it. It was the only wind chime to ring and the only one moving when I turned to look. The streamers we have to keep the birds off the outdoor furniture weren't even moving. It was Dad! He wanted mom & I both to hear it. That he loved us and he was here. Now that we were listening.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


People think psychics are weird. Or scary. Or wackos! But put yourselves in their shoes if you can for just a few minutes. Try if you can to imagine what it is like for a psychic to one day finally admit to themselves that they can do whatever gift they have because there are many. Not all mediums or psychics are the same or have the same gifts. But regardless even the medium at first I know for me I felt like I must be crazy to know what I know. How can I see someone else's aunt making jam in the kitchen and smell and taste the jam? This happened. Learning to trust what you see is hard. When your given a letter like B and shown your own son and grandfather because they share the same name but your doing a reading for someone else. And its your guides or their spirit showing you something familiar to give the correct information because their family member has the same name. This is why I went to school. I had no idea what to make of what I saw. Of what I knew. Learning from others is the best gift I have ever given myself besides owning who and what I was. I do have family members that won't discuss what I do. They don't like it.  To be honest who it comes from hurts. Because its like they don't accept me. I have been looking for who I was my whole life. Now that I have found her I am incredibly proud of the woman I have become finally. I can hold my head high. I don't whisper I am a medium. Its something to be proud of. But I live in a fairly liberal area and not everyone is so lucky. My mediumship would not be so accepted in other parts of the country as readily. Also if most of my family had not been blessed with these gifts from God most of my family would not be so open to it. But none of the support from family, other mediums, or the schooling changes the fact that even today when something new happened to me you question if your crazy for all these things happening to you. Most people go through life with blinders on. Going through life with full spectrum glasses on all the time is something that takes getting used to.   

Monday, October 17, 2016

Animals can feel it!

Anyone who says animals are dumb probably isn't as smart as my dog! Because animals can feel psychic energy. We have all seen dogs that can tell a good person from a bad person. I always wondered if dogs saw auras to do that. They read something to be able to read a person that quickly. And usually to be so accurate.  But today I am mostly going to talk about dogs because I haven't tried this experiment on my cats yet. First I tried it on my mother in-law who passed away dog Taz. I was staying with my ex-husband for a couple weeks to visit. I imagined the energy as she was across the room of loving and petting her. When I was done she would not leave my side for the rest of the day. If I went outside she went outside. If I went in the kitchen she went in the kitchen. It was amazing. I have tried this on my dog Charlie a little puppy terrier/lab mix since I got home. The nighty I did it she wanted out of her kennel at 10pm instead of 2am to sleep with me. And she wasn't going back in no matter how much I tried. She wanted to sleep with mama. She also sees to enjoy meditation time. Even as a puppy she is learning to like when the voices are calm and she lays down by me while I do mediation. She seems to know when I am done and she can chew a bone or play with a toy again. But she will lay quietly during mediation now. It didn't start out that way. I never scolded her when she would interrupt just gently put her feet on the floor if she jumped on me to get my attention and say not now. And when I was done pet her and tell her good girl. Now she seems to actually relax herself. Even if I don't give her attention after. The only reason I haven't tried the energy on the cats is I am allergic as heck to them It seems to cruel to get especially our all indoor cat all excited for loving and not be able to follow through properly. I would be itching for days. I love the little buggers but I try not to touch them too much. Especially my poor black cat who has more cat dander than should be allowed. And of course I choose him and he choose me. But I cant love him without wearing a face mask and gloves. Not exactly warm and fuzzy loving. I hope you all have a day full of love and light! And enjoyed the full moon last night! It was spectacular through until this morning!    

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Even Mediums arent perfect

I haven't be open to my gifts for even a year yet. I still have so much to learn. That does not mean I am not capable of helping you connect to your family or that I can't share my gift with you. It just means I am and will always be a human being on a path of discovery. This morning I went in the kitchen through the front door so as not to disturb my sleeping mother. It was extremely early. I was excited about my next Healer class starting today and couldn't sleep. Our house is an old ranch house and to get to the kitchen I literally have to walk right through her bedroom. She doesn't mind but I do. I hate to disturb her sleep. When I got in the kitchen there were 2 crickets on the kitchen floor. I was like YUCK! I knew we had crickets around here but honestly in 6 years I have never seen one. It was an hour later when it hit me. Those crickets were no accident. I in 6 years I hadn't seen a cricket and 6 days after I contacted my first love through the veil there were 2 crickets on my kitchen floor it was a sign of gratitude. The reason I say this is Cricket was my nickname given to me by my first love. I am still learning to recognize the signs. You receive signs from your loved ones too. They are subtle that's why they aren't always easy to recognize. Sometimes it is good to go to a medium because they can help to get from your loved ones what they are doing for signs sometimes. Then your more aware of what to look for. But when you are the medium you really need to keep your eyes wide open. Well at 5:30am my eyes including my third eye lol was still a little sleepy.  

Friday, October 14, 2016

Is there a Hell?

If you ask any true medium they will tell you there is no such thing as hell. Hell does not exist. You need to put out of your mind that anything wrongs you may have done will send you to hell. As long as you have lived your life as a decent person you are going to heaven. The lower regions of heaven are saved for those who cannot make it into heaven. Think of our illustrious serial killers, child rapists, murders will go there with the demons and entities already unfit for beings of the light. There are more spirits walking the earth now than ever before. Hence why so many mediums are needed to help them cross over to the light. Churches are beating into people that when they die if they have been bad they can go to hell. So people are scared when they die to go into the light. They are afraid what will happen to them. But the light is heaven. The light is God, the collective conscious, The All. So please start programming your mind now not to be afraid of what happens to you when you die. I have been at the bed side of people who have passed and thankfully gotten them to pass despite their fear. Was able to tell them there was nothing to be afraid of. Once each had completed all things they needed to do or see here on earth they passed. And I now know each has gone to heaven. There is nothing to fear. We choose our path before we leave heaven as babies. Knowing full well there will be lessons in this life path. So we wont always be perfect people. We wont always be the kindest and the nicest. But that is not going to send you to hell. So please once again program your mind to accept death as a part of life and know your going to heaven when you die. Because there simple is no hell.   

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Sorry there was no new blog post yesterday. It was one of those running like a chicken with your head cut off days. My day started early with a doctor appointment an hours drive away at 9am. And I had been house and dog sitting already for 6 days and this was my last day and there was going to be so much to do. I have been house and dog sitting off and on since I was 18 years old. If I think about it I probably did some in high school as well for my parents friends which is how I started enjoying it. But I love to do the extra touches for my clients. Like make the beds clean for them to come home to. And make sure the house doesn't look any different then when they left or even look better. And in this case it was perfect my client hurt her bad shoulder on her business trip and would have been unable to make her bed clean when she got home. She was incredibly grateful last night. But what has been strange is the feathers. Everywhere I have gone I will walk a path one second no feathers turn around and walk the same path back and there will be a feather. It happened twice in a matter of hours yesterday. Once when I brought my things to my house to get them out of the way. I was only 18 miles from home and didn't want to deal with my stuff late since I needed to stay and feed the dogs there dinner. And then again when I went to the gas station. I moved the car to run in and get a slurpee and when I went in no feather and when I came out it was right in the path I had just walked. I felt like whatever it was it urgent. It was as if I could the intensity of it. I asked my teacher and mediums friends what I should do. So I did intuitive writing. I realized this had to do with a connection I made with a friend on their birthday the other day that passed away last year. And that he wanted a message sent to his family. At first I was hesitant to send a message. Thinking they are going to think I am some crazy person. I realized I had to do as spirit requested. These are dove feathers that are being left. I saved 3 of them Even the one my dog brought in her mouth to me. Spirit will find a way. So had I denied him he would have found a way. But this person & I shared a connection and he trusted me to do as he asked. So if I sound like a crack pot so be it. I answered the call of spirit and of God and that is my job. Whether someone hears it is only up to them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

About myself

I thought I would tell you about me & how I became a medium. It is a long and twisted journey. I actually did not know but I played with my spirit guides as a child. Would forsake my friends for my imaginary friends who I didn't understand how my friends couldn't see them. The were two kangaroos. I mama and her baby. Kanga & Roo. I learn now it was my Protector Guide John & my joy guide Roo. A fairy. Coming to me as a child would feel comfortable seeing them, playing with them and telling their secrets to them. All of which I did. Gladly. Life was always such a turmoil. My father was abusive from the day I was born. He burned me, dislocated my elbow at age 2, kidnapped me from my mother during their divorce at age 5, and was just verbally and physically abusive what I saw of him my entire life. Because my parents were non-existent at being present in my life I was molested from age 8-12 by three different people. Because of this I thought it was how you were loved. I became promiscuous in high school. Pretty much told my parents how things were going to be. Especially since most of the time I was going to school and sometimes holding a full-time job. I wasn't being given the attention a child deserves t strive for their dreams. I applied for college early my sophomore year and with my grades so good got an early acceptance to college if I kept my grades as they were. Yet I never told my parents. I only asked if I was going to get help paying for college. My father told me to wait until I was 40 like he did and pay for it myself. By the way he was a Bank President by then. With the financial means to help a child through college and my mother said I will pay for your books. Paying for my books was not going to help me pay for an out of state school. Life went down hill after that. I ended up getting pregnant at 17 and married 9 days after my 18th birthday. All I really wanted to do was take my baby and go to college and do it on my own. But I just didn't have any belief in myself. I wasn't raised with any. I was married to a very controlling man for 22 years. I knew he loved me more than anything but we were children. I also was undiagnosed bipolar and PTSD our entire marriage. In fact I was diagnosed depressed for parts especially the end when I got sick with reflex sympathetic dystrophy. The worst nerve disorder known to doctors causing extreme pain as well as a host of other side effects. Treating a bi-polar patient with depression medication is horrid. It makes their symptoms more pronounced. Yet it was ignored. It wasn't until I had a nervous breakdown after losing my dad only 5 months after leaving my husband that I finally got the help I needed a few months later. I had just broke. It started the change in my life. When I was up in Oregon I was out at one of our State Parks and was taking a picture of a bird and got a picture of a spirit. Its not the first time I have been near spirit. I knew I had gift if they were trying to contact me but had no idea what to do. Then one day I was drawn to discount to a school for mediums that was accredited. I had to try. I knew it was time and it was calling me. The things I learned I could do was mind blowing. I had no idea God had blessed me with being able to give people these messages. I find it a blessing and gift from God to be able to deliver the messages. I thank God he opened the path for me to see where I am supposed to be.    

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Seven Chakra

Do you know the meaning of the seven chakra? What Praana means? It could make the difference on how you feel about doing a Praana Mediation, keeping your Chakra cleaned or energizing your chakra. Our seven chakra are aligned with our spine. The first is our root chakra at the base of our spine and is colored red. The root chakra rules our survival. The second chakra is the sacral chakra the color is orange. This chakra governs self acceptance & sexual energy. It is located near the ovaries on a woman. The third charka is the solar plexus chakra and the color is yellow. This is our personal power and intuition charka. It is located at the core of us about an inch above our naval. The next is our heart chakra and the color is green. The heart chakra needs little interpretation. I will say that a weak heart can be a saboteur in relationships. So strengthen your love for all things and everyone. The next chakra is our throat chakra and the color is blue. The throat is an important chakra this is where our ability to be artistic, to meditate well, to be spiritual all comes from. It is a busy place. The third eye is our sixth chakra. The color associated with it is Indigo. The Third Eye gives us our ability for telepathy. For some to see across the veil. Though we are all born with the ability only some of us choose to use it. So if you have ever thought you might like to open your self to your ability consider it. You were literally born with the ability to do it. The Seventh Chakra is the Crown chakra. Its color is purple. The crown chakra allows those who access it to perform miracles and transcend the laws of nature. Thus the beautiful things healers and mediums are able to accomplish with God's help. Thus we get to the meaning of Praana. Praana means literally life's energy. So to do a proper Praana meditation is to breath in the energy of life. To channel it. Its moving and beautiful. I do a Praana mediation everyday. It combines grounding and protecting with energizing my chakras. Its also important to  cleanse  your chakras regularly. Especially if you have been in a negative situation. Then you will want to do it not on your regular schedule. Cleanse your aura and your chakras. Send the negativity elsewhere. Life can be peaceful and as happy as we choose to make it. Its not an simple easy process to change the way we think and do things. The journey may take 1000 steps but the prize at the end of the journey is worth every one.   

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Daily Meditation

Daily meditation can be life changing. If you are suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD or just have a great deal of stress in your life meditation can bring you a new found peace. Most doctors will recommend their patients to try mediation.  When your anxious it is very difficult to get your brain to shut off. Its is why it is difficult to sleep or to concentrate. I don't only say this with an air of confidence of someone who has read or been taught but who has and is living it. And is proof of what meditation can help do for you. I myself have bi-polar disorder with PTSD. I refuse to hide it or be ashamed of it. I have complete control now of both my conditions finally having been properly diagnosed and also not only listening to my doctors but taking control of my own life. Doing what makes me happy (not manic) but truly opening myself up to the gifts I have hid for so long. And by doing so conquering the fears that I would not be accepted for who I was. But my doctors recommended meditation and my calling highly demands a regular schedule of mediation. Which actually was perfect it made me stay more true to my schedule and not be so lazy. Because when I accomplish a regular meditative schedule I am a happier, calmer person. If I slip in a meditation at night when I cant sleep I will sleep much better. It just helps calm the mind. Meditation can truly change you. It can change your whole being. Because you become so much calmer and your able to let things go so much quicker.  None of us is perfect. We are all flawed human beings. We came here on a mission of our own choosing to learn all we can to take back to the collective conscious. But it doesn't mean the ride doesn't need to be as joyous, fun, peaceful and full of laughter as we can make it. Its our choosing how we decide to live our lives.  Have a Saturday full of love & light! Janis  

Friday, October 7, 2016

Pure Love & Energy

I am doing a house and dog sitting assignment this week. I have 5 little dogs I am looking after. Every one of them has been a rescue. I just fell in love with my client for having a heart of gold. She also will foster a dog at a time if it fits with her brood. Most of our shelters are full of  pit bulls and Chihuahua's. Five Chihuahua's is what I am looking after this week. They take a great deal of commitment because of their long life span. And pit bulls while one of the most loving breeds have a terrible reputation and its hard if you rent to find a place. So many end up in shelters. They are also greatly abused. As are and were these little guys I am caring for. It was taking quite awhile for especially for Asha to warm to me. I decided to use a energy & love procedure I learned on her that does not require me to touch but to see her in my minds eye and I send her pure love and my energy and I can pet her in my mind without touching her. I did this last night before bed. This morning I was watching TV in bed. I woke extremely early. Even before the alarm went off. And next thing I know as I lay there drinking my first cup of coffee I have Asha curled up in bed with me. Then the other two that have free range came and curled up. It was awesome. Then haven't left my side or barked at me except when I came in the door with my sunglasses on since. The power God gives to soothe these babies while their mom is gone is amazing. Felt so good to be able to soothe her nerves. I had tried this on another dog that was not anxious just to see if I could do it. And the dog stuck to me like glue all day. It was hilarious. The dog liked me anyways but this was over the top. I was unable to take two steps without her. She was my mother in-laws dog until her death and now my ex-husband has her. Soon she will be with my best friend. She is a woman's dog and needs a lady back in her life. Unfortunately I thought my son and daughter in-law were taking her and I already rescued a puppy. But this works put better. She is the perfect calm dog for my best friend. Healing works on pets too. So if you are thinking or just yourself keep your pets in mind. Calming a pet with healing or easing muscles can work great on pet just for starters. Have a day full of love & light! Janis    

Thursday, October 6, 2016


What do you think a medium, tarot card reader or healer should do if a medical issue presents itself at your session? If this happens and you have a true professional healer or medium they are going to immediately refer you to a medical professional. If they don't I recommend you not see them again. Remember medium and healers work with God but so do our medical professionals who are highly trained in specific areas of our bodies. If a psychic healer or medium suggest you see your doctor for further evaluation its important to listen to them. Its also important to listen to your intuition if you go to healer or medium that brings up a medical issues then does not recommend further treatment beyond their own if it is of a serious nature. You need to be in touch with your intuition. Trust your gut. Is this person working for my highest good? That's our job. God gave us this gift not to become rich and famous. But to work for the greatest good of each and every person. I won't tell you there aren't fakes out there. There are in every field of business. That's why you need to  know how to weed out the fakes. Its why I am teaching you about fishing and how to take care if they aren't taking care of you. Eventually if the fakes are not getting any business they can go away. Only those working in God's white light will remain. Sending you all love and light. Janis

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Distance Healing

As it says on my site I will soon be offering healing, I am in my first term of school for healing classes and the second term starts immediately following. We don't get a break like a regular school. There is an advantage to that. You retain everything you learned so you immediately go into the next steps. But part of our final for the Healer 101 class was to be paired with another student and perform a distance healing exercise. Now I had performed my first healing on my ex-husband when I was in Oregon. He had fallen 9 feet off a roof after I left him. So though he wasn't sure he felt any healing affects (it was my first try) I was able to pinpoint the two areas causing him the most pain. I am now more aware of how to make the energy from God work to help him. Would love to try again. And will next time I go up. To be honest I was nervous whether or not I would be able to accomplish distance healing. I needed to. Not only to pass the class and for it to be worthwhile to take the next one. But so that I could help people in the future. Being able to harness Concentrated Love from God to help people is a gift. And if you have it then you need to learn how to use it properly. My fellow student and I got together and she started working on me first. I have a rare nerve disease called reflex sympathetic dystrophy that causes excruciating burning pain for starters. And I broke both feet last summer and now suffered with it in one of my feet. It was hurting so bad the night we were working. I asked her to please work on my foot. I was shocked within minutes the burning pain was gone. It was two days before it was back. And has not been as bad since. Its been the muscle pain that she didn't know about. I then worked on her. She needed  work on her upper back, shoulders, neck and a little on her lower back. I ended up harnessing the sun with the help of the angels so not to burn her. I wanted the heat from the sun to relax her muscles. I could feel the heat from the sun warming the palms of my hands as I moved it into a position and held it to her back. Then at the end of the session she tells me when she sits outside she calls to the sun. For me to have used the sun on her is no coincidence. The sun is friend. Even in her darkest moments the sun is there to light her way and keep the cold at bay. And because God gives me the gift to see I knew to call on her friend to release her stress in her muscles and hopefully some in her life. Its hard not to believe in the power of God when you feel the healing yourself. I cant wait to offer it. But wont until I am fully qualified to do.

Monday, October 3, 2016


No I am not talking the kind where you need a rod and reel though that's good for the soul and quite enjoyable and peaceful. I am talking about the kind of fishing you catch mediums or should I say fake mediums doing to fool sitters into thinking they are really talking to the other side. I honestly can not stand these people because they give true mediums a bad name and its hard for people to tell who they can trust. One way is if your medium asks you questions during a sitting. They should NEVER ask you a question. And you should only validate what they are telling you at the end of the session. I have done more casual readings for friends. Where they may validate something I said during a reading out of excitement or surprise. I am not going to get upset. Sometimes I am surprised at what I know. One way to know if your getting a medium that will not Fish for information from you is to make sure they are a graduate of the Zenith School of Metaphysics. At Zenith we have a reputation to uphold. We are trained not to fish if your not a medium you will be found out. You don't wake up one day and no what to do. You will have the gifts but how to use them and how to help people with them safety for the good of all is something that has to be learned. Learning to protect ourselves from spirits is just one thing we must learn. And the utter importance of it. If your not really talking through the veil you could give someone a message that is fake that could change their life negatively. Because your not working with God's white light and for the good of all concerned. If I just could not get a reading for you for some reason and there was a block I would tell you. I would rather not get paid and try another day then lie to you. My job is to make your life better. Not bring lie's and negativity into it. So please as you would vet a spirit you almost need to vet your medium. Check them out. Get their credentials. You have that right.     

Friday, September 30, 2016


Boundaries come naturally to some people. But there are those of us who wait are entire lives to be taught healthy boundaries (took me over 40 years) because we were either not brought up in households where the were. There could have been abuse in our childhoods crushing any boundaries we were taught or we had abuse in our adult relationships making it impossible to have healthy boundaries. There are other reasons such as some just don't learn or grown up slower. No matter what your situation forming healthy boundaries at any age is imperative. Frankly having boundaries doesn't all of a sudden make you a bad person. It actually makes you the opposite. You don't become the bitch or asshole because you suddenly start saying no when someone has crossed the line (cancel cancel I will teach you that one later). Or asked you for a favor you can't or don't want to fulfill. If you wouldn't have been able to do it anyway and had said yes you would have looked bad. If you would have said yes and done it then most likely you would resent them because you didn't want to do it in the first place.  Bad situation no matter which way the chips fall. Honesty is the best policy and leads you to a happier more spiritually enriched life and closer to Source. Being closer allows you so many more opportunities. But boundaries is one step on the way to get there. It may seem silly or trivial. But it is a part of the puzzle that makes the whole picture beautiful.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Changing your life

People will tell you it is not possible to change your life, To change the very core of who you are. But especially if you have been living as others have seen you and not how you truly wish to be that is not a true statement. Its negative. And negative people either need to be left in the dust or at least have minimum contact with. Especially until you have learned to have boundaries set against people like this. We will discuss setting boundaries in the next blog. But it is completely possible to turn your life into something you have dreamed of. If you have lived with fear, depression, anxiety or anything like it. Its can takes years of work and you may need the help of trained professionals. But once you have made up your mind that your no longer going to let these types of things dictate the person you are. The most amazing things will happen. Since I personally have no longer let childhood trauma control my life the sky is bluer. The clouds are whiter and the sound of the ocean which was always my haven is even more soothing, The world becomes this place to explore not to fear. No one should have to feel they are not beautiful when they look in the mirror or fear they are not good enough for their spouse or girl/boyfriend. Or any of the other million issues we all have faced. Those that are worse the rapes, molestations or abuse by parents or spouses. The lessons we learn here are important but they don't need to dictate our happiness for our entire existence here while we live this life time. Remember we may choose to comeback and we may not so you may only have but one life to live. But even if you don't they all count.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Past LIves Mediatation

It is very important before you decide to look into doing a pat lives meditation that you are not only familiar with mediation. But that you have a relationship with your spirt guides. If this is something you are wanting to accomplish than working with certified psychic medium is a good idea if your not yourself a medium. Its is important when going through to the other side to grounded and protected by God's white light. I talked about vetting spirits before. Its imperative that your spirit guided protect you on your journey. Show you only what is in your best interest and the most positive in this lifetime to see. I have been on a few journeys to past lives. I know my ex-husband of this life is my forever husband. He has been my husband in every lifetime. No matter what my ethnicity. For I spent one lifetime as an American Indian. I am actually young compared to many having only been reborn 7 times. I have not yet found out if I worked as a spirited guide when I wasn't here on Earth. I still have so much to learn. That is the beauty in what I do. I will never stop learning. That is our job here. To return to Source (God) with all we learned. WE wont be punished for our mistakes. That is how we learn. If I can help you get to your past lives or meet a loves one contact me. I would love to help you see through the veil.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Sometimes when we least except it we get the sign we need that things will be okay. I was making the second half of a 600 mile journey and did not have time before I left the hotel to do the grounding and meditation that would have made me feel the most comfortable. Now I have been making this drive a minimum of once a year since 1989. Twenty-seven long years of this at times very long drive. But not too long after I left the hotel and got south of town there was a HUGE sign. I had never seen this sign before & I have almost every sign on this drive memorized it feels like. It said "Gaia Resort & Spa". I said Thank you God & Spirit Guides. I know I will get home safely now. And though traffic was extremely heavy. I made it home without incident. For those of you who don't know what Gaia means it is Mother Earth. It is what we ground to when practicing mediation. So now you can understand my utter feeling of happiness and that I received a sign from above. There may be times you are receiving signs and are just not open to them. A feather, or a penny. How many times do you not pick up those pennies on the ground? I always do and am shocked how the dates correlate with someone who has passed. Its a communication pathway that takes them little energy. And I will find them in the strangest places. Open yourself to the signs. Don't go looking for them just open yourself to the possibility and your will be surprised what you see.   

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...