Saturday, December 31, 2016

Flourish extenended

I found this lovely quote this afternoon after writing my blog and needed to share it. Seemed fitting.


I was sitting here playing bejeweled contemplating what I wanted to end the year on my blog with and start the New Year with something of meaning. Never think that Hod doesn't work in mysterious ways. Because I get a news blurb from Fox that simply says choose the word flourish for your word in 2017. The definition of flourish according to the Merrimack-Webster dictionary is to 1. Grow luxuriantly. 2. To achieve success. B. To be in a state of activity or production c. To reach a height if development of influence. 3. To make bold sweeping gestures. There is so much to be gained by making this your word for the year. Because whether your working on spiritual, personal, or career goals (or all the above). This word does not limit you. Remember try not to make New Years resolutions or to call them that. We are not good at keeping resolutions that we make at New Years. So set sort term realistic goals. Even long term goals. Write some affirmations that pertain to your goals and if you choose the word flourish as your word for the year add it to your affirmations or at least one. Say your affirmations in front of the mirror at least twice preferably three times a day and say them each three times. It's amazing how affirmations can change behavior. Keep them positive. There can be no negative words in an affirmation. Not even words you think might not be. Stay very positive and uplifting. The one I used when I lost weight the first time was I am slim, healthy and physically fit and I feel engertic proud and confident. It helped me Lose 70 pounds. I need it agin after gaining the weight back after breaking both feet and being immobile for 18 months. Excited to get started now that I have been released to do so. I know I gave the tools. It's my goal among others this year. I wish for you an exciting, prosperous, spirit filled New Year. Love & Light to you All!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Moon Magic

Tonight is the New Moon. Time once again especially tonight with the New Year fast approaching to set your new intentions for the coming month. Think of all the good you can accomplish in your life if you set your goals tonight under the new moon. How exciting will it be to have the power of the moon lifting your intentions and goals.its already in numerology a time of new beginnings. With the e d of the nine year cycle and the beginning of the next. It's time to set a whole new set of intentions. You can set long term and short term intentions. You can just feel it in the air like this is a jump off point for something exciting. Like something new and us just around the corner you never saw coming and it's going to change your life. Grab hold and run with it like you never have before. Think of all the possibilities a new year brings. So today take a piece of paper and write down your intentions for the month. All the things you want to accomplish before the next new moon. Don't be unrealistic. And be kind to yourself. Then if you can at 11:54pm (otherwise wait until dark) and go outside and read your letter to the New Moon. Remember there won't be a moon to see tonight. While reading your letter really feel yourself setting your intentions to the universe. Keep in mind your intentions can be anything. You want to not be running late everyday, you want to be kinder to people, you want to study something you have always loved, your going to excercise more, or whatever it is you are looking to do. Your the one who knows what needs to change in your life. Change it! It is possible. It's not always easy but it can be the most worthwhile accomplishment you have ever done. Love & Light to you All!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Happy Christmas

I hope you all enjoyed a Happy Christmas. And especially remembered that it is not always how much you get for Christmas but the thought involved in the gifts received. I had one of the happiest Christmases ever. And there were very little in the way of gifts. The biggest was that I travelled to Oregon to spend the holiday with my ex-husband so he would not be alone since our son is deployed to the sand box. Something we are both very proud of him for. But he spends holidays with his dad since he doesn't have family like I do. My ex husband & I have become best friends after years of ugly and fighting after I left him. I realized I couldn't blame him for everything. It really was 50/50. I had to own my part. And when his mom died we licked ourselves in the house for a week and gave ourselves the biggest gift. We gave ourselves the gift of forgiveness. Not only to each other but to ourselves for the mistakes we made. And now we are friends and no longer hold those mistakes over each other's heads as weapons. We had a fun Christmas Day just the two of us. We had a wonderful dinner. I cooked a prime rib, made gnocchi, rolls, and roasted brussel sprouts. Gnocchi by the way are an Italian potato dumpling served with a sauce. I made a spaghetti sauce this year. Then we watched movies when I wasn't busy cooking. I opted for a couple older ones that my ex agreeded sounded good that he also hadn't seen in years. Usually we give movies for Christmas and watch them but he isn't in to my new genre of movies and was too concerned he would get me the wrong movie. And I bought him a large gift set if a BBC television series we used to watch religiously. It's called " Are you being served?". It was hilarious. We weren't up to getting into 69 episodes of that. But otherwise we just did stockings. My ex had asked for ideas. I to,d him I was having allergic reaction to anything but gold or silver earrings and needs studs. I have 3 holes in each ear. He gave me 3 pairs of some of mom's nice earrings. He asked if that was ok instead of buying them. I said I would much rather have mom's!!! I have some of her other jewelry and think of her every time I wear it and all day while it is on. I can feel her with me. I feel like she is having my adventures with me. So it really is the thought that counts. Love & Light to you All and wishing you had the happiest Christmas!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice

Merry Winter Solstice everyone! What a beautiful day to welcome the sun back into our lives and celebrate it's coming. There are many rituals that can be done as a group, family or individual. The fire ritual for individual or groups is one of my favorites. On a small piece of paper write down what you want to release. When everyone's written their release down. Throw it into the fire. Seal the ritual with drumming and a howl. Let yourself be free of what your releasing. There are other rituals if your unable to have a fire. Search the Internet for winter solstice rituals. It's a time of renewal and new beginnings. This ties in with our numerology. Where we are coming to the end of our 9 year cycle. It's an exciting time of change and new beginnings. We have a whole new world to look forward to if we are open to it. There is so much out there to explore. I myself am excited especially after discovering my gifts. I have to keep following the path the Lord has set out for me. Helping all of you find your path is part of that. I can't wait to see where the new year takes us. Happy Winter Solstice! May your rituals bring you peace. Love & Light to you All!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Flying Reading

Readings can happen in the strangest places I found out on my way out of state for the holidays. My first flight of the day was seriously delayed due to the fact the airport I was flying out of was not equipped to handle the freezing temperatures of that morning. It was actually the sun that got us on our way and not de-icing. As I was boarding my plane after having to have my connecting flight rescheduled I noticed the flight attendant greeting us as we boarded. There was something about her and I did more than the quick hi but said to her I hope she had a Merry Christmas. She however was not might flight attendant. She was the first class attendant. When the flight attendants were serving snacks and drinks one of them asked me if I was from Santa Cruz. I said no but near there why? She said I had Santa Cruz silver jewelry on and just looked like it. She asked me what I did for a living. I said I was a medium. Her chin dropped open and she asked me if I could help her friend. The flight attendant I had spoken to when I boarded the plane had lost her adult son recently. She was not doing well. Could I see what I could pick up from her. Well doing that is tough on a plane full of people. If I open myself up I can get anyone's messages. I had shut down so I could block everyone's vibes so to speak. So I tried just concentrating on her for the rest of the flight though I was getting things from others interfering. But on my way off the plane I asked if I could speak to her about her son. I gave her some information she needed to know. It wasn't hard concentrating on her the pain she gave off was like waves of the ocean. I could feel them. A lull and then the next crash. I hope the information I gave her was comforting. I only gave her what I was able to pick up. Would live to have had a quiet place and more time but God puts us where we are supposed to be at the time. Remember that. There is a reason more than I knew that I was coming to Oregon and it wasn't just my desire to be there. Love &  Light to you All!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

So Grateful

As I am preparing to leave to spend my holidays in Oregon I am reflecting at how grateful I am for this past year and for all I really have. I am looking forward to a peaceful & love filled holiday & hope to bring some joy to my ex-husband. That's what I most hope to accomplish on this trip. Holidays when we were married were not always peaceful and happy. There were fights and stress. And I realize how petty it all was. Of course we were two different people then. All I want to do for Christmas is make amazing food & eat & watch movies. A little snuggling on the couch will be in order. As I am grateful for all I have been given. My illness is better so I am able to fly. I am have found my calling this year after a lifetime of searching for what it is I am supposed to do. There are some people that never find what they are looking for. I have been so blessed to have been called to be a light worker for God. And I promise that I was far from your bible thumping Christian. I didn't attend church since childhood really. A couple times when I was married I tried to find a church that fit my needs but never found one I could call home. I had firmly held beliefs though.  I never doubted there was a God. Even when I got diagnosed with my disease. I was angry with him & didn't understand and went through the "Why me". But I never doubted my God. The things I have learned opening myself to the gifts I kept closed off from for so long. Have changed my world. I understand the lessons we are here to learn now. There is no longer a "Why me" its "Why not Me". Its my lesson to learn. And having access to my Spirit Guides and Angels is a blessing that cant be ignored. Everyone has the ability its opening yourself up to your individual gifts. We are not all alike. Every medium is not alike. We all work differently. We see things differently. But we all must be grateful for our lessons and the gifts in this life we have. Because if you look deep into your soul you know your better because of them. Love & Light to you All.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Gemini Full Moon & A Mercury Retrograde

If you follow numerology you know that this year ends the 9 year cycle and we start new on January 1st. But what a way to go out with peace and harmony. And that is what the numbers are telling us to do. How to spend the last few weeks of the year. To step back and just put our feet up and enjoy the time with our family and friends. We know this because we start tonight with a Gemini Full moon. While this moon brings in peace do not forget to do the things that need to be done on a full moon. Cleanse your crystals and tarot cards in the full moons beautiful rays. Recharge those batteries of the crystals. And on the 19th we start a mercury retrograde. This retrograde is bringing in peace and harmony. And a time of relaxation. No more stressing over the holidays. Its time to say what is done is done and its ok. Its time to enjoy the time with family. I know this personally because on the 18th I am flying out of state for the holidays. When I get there everything including decorating, the holiday meals, desserts, wrapping the gifts (you cant wrap ahead and fly with them) and just you name it is on me. But I decided in the last few days since I have been ill the last week that I wasn't going to do as much cooking as I originally planned. There s only 2 of us for Christmas and Christmas Eve. How much do we really need? I don't need to do so much I don't enjoy what I actually went up there to do. Which was spend time with my ex-husband. He would rather have my attention happy than tired from spending to much time making things that will be eaten for 5 minutes that took hours to make. Doesn't seem like a good trade off. Not this trip anyway. Keep that in mind. Does the work your doing and the stress your putting on yourself outweigh the benefit in the long run. Will they really notice? Or would they rather have you? My guess is you! Love & Light to you All! Shine Bright on this Full Moon Night.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Can't Beat yourself up

Whether its because you have become incredibly busy because of the holiday season or like me you have succumbed to one of the nasty bugs flying around. In my case bronchitis. Its easy to start not only not doing your meditation but not being able to concentrate when you do try. The list of to do's are running endlessly in your head. And I noticed for me when if you are doing as I suggested and starting with the Prana mediation (guided). I couldn't follow a word that was said. That is my favorite meditation. The fact that I cant follow it is telling. It would be so easy to start beating yourself up as this is just one more thing I am not getting done or doing correctly. But you have to realize everything has a time and a place. Cut the time down if you need to. Try to get some meditation in. Just don't make it as long. If you need to cut out the guided and just wrap yourself up in a blanket and sit quietly for a half an hour without letting anyone disturb you. Then do that. If you need to do just the guided and not the silent. Do that.  But find your peace place during this rushed busy time of year.

 I actually did my first tarot spread on my mother yesterday for something fun. I am not trained to do tarot on the public for big spreads its why I don't offer it. I need to go to school first. But my mom was blown away by the accuracy of the cards. She has never had a tarot reading. She even picked something up on the moon card that I wouldn't have known about. Her best friend who passed many years ago from cancer was coming through to give her a message. A very accurate one. And on the moon card is a wolf and my mom's best friend once bought her a lifetime wolf membership. The cards really do tell all. We also used to sit in her friends hot tub and look at the stars and planets when we visited. That card held multiple meanings. So take time for the small things for yourself. Don't forget if your not at peace and satisfied with your life path then those around you won't be happy either. And this is a joyous time of year. Enjoy the moments. Love & Light to you All!    

Friday, December 9, 2016


This time of year seems to bring the love and caring out in people that I wish we saw on a daily basis and not just during the Christmas season. There is more of a gentleness towards those less fortunate then ourselves. We tend to spend more time visiting family that is infirm in a nursing home, care facility or even in their own home. We just generally give of our selves more. Not only financially but of our hearts.  If you make New Years Resolutions or even promises to yourselves to change. Add the addition of more love & gratitude into your life and watch it come back to you tenfold. What you put out to the Universe is so what you receive back from it. Start a gratitude journal or just a journal so you can gage how you are feeling and if you are living up to the exceptions you want to set for yourself. There is something about paper and pen. Having something written down makes it tangible. Makes it real. I don't really suggest calling something a New Years Resolution. We often forget about that by the 3rd week of January. Call it goal setting, call it a life change or simply don't call it anything and just do it. I myself have several journals for different purposes. I have the journal to write my daily notes in. Or even my frustrations. I have one strictly for my psychic experiences. I have one for the tarot spreads I do for myself so that I can go back and look at them and see if they have either been accurate or if I am following the path set. Then I have notebooks like crazy of all my medium classes that I constantly refer to. I am not a computer junky. I am a pen and paper girl. I still write many hand written notes and letters. I know how excited I get to get mail in the mailbox that isn't a bill. Its the little touches that we do for people that mean the most. So send out your best love and light to the Universe and feel it in return. Love and Light to you All!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Exciting News

So I hope this news gets my blog readers excited! I have opened a webpage on Facebook called Love & Light Medium Janis Mini Photo Reading's. These readings are free. And you can have one every 30 days. They are only mini readings though and you need to keep this in mind. You can post pictures of loved ones who have passed or one of yourself depending on what your looking to find out. Though spirit works how spirit wants. So I have seen someone post a picture of themselves and have a loved one come through anyway to talk to them. Its a beautiful thing when that happens really. Its so unexpected. So just post your pictures and be open to calling spirit. And love will come in whatever form it is meant to. Can't wait to share these experiences with you. If you would like longer readings make appointments on my website. Love and Light to you All as we get ready to celebrate the birth of our Lord.

Saturday, December 3, 2016


Some people never realized where my little outbursts would come from. But I walked around up until abut 3 years ago now being angry with the world. I promise if you read this and you feel you can relate find a way yourself to let it go. I never thought I could find peace and I have. But I was molested as a child starting at 8 by three different people. My family was oblivious to it. Didn't notice that I drank everyday in junior high and most of high school. Carried a bubble bottle with brandy that I drank on the way to school. I just wanted to be numb. My biological father had dislocated my elbow, beat me, burned me and kidnapped me all before the age of 5. And by 12 he made me so less than nothing and walked out of my life telling me it was my fault. I saw him maybe 4 times between 12 and 40. Thank God for my Dad (my step-dad). He was the one who was there in the moments of tough times. And never made me feel less than. Though he did drink. And because he did my mother worked and was never home and never around. So I was pregnant and married to a man who wanted me to be something I wasn't at 18. I stayed unhappily married to him for fear of trying to be myself for 22 years. I lost my life due to fear. The final straw was when I got sick. Having RSD actually gave me more strength in the end. Before I finally broke I had the courage to leave an unhappy marriage. But I found myself on my knees. I had spent close to 30 years with this person & I did love them. And they were gone.  If we did talk it was ugly. I almost took my own life. No one again around me seemed to notice or care the dark hole I was in. It astonished me that once again I had no one to trust but myself. So I found myself treatment. And did all the work and turned my life around. I found out by no ones surprise really I had PTSD. Which is under control. I have the most incredible team of doctors. You have to become your own best advocate. You can trust no one better to take care of your needs than the person who looks back at you in the mirror. They answer to know one but you, they take care of no ones needs better than you, they love no one more than you. Because they are YOU! I lived this and learned it. I have become my own best advocate. I wont lie to you and tell you that I don't slip and not speak up for myself now and again. Lifetime habits die hard deaths. But I am also learning to do it in a softer more gentle less confrontational way. Its amazing how much further this approach goes. This blog isn't all about tarot, spirits, and seeing beyond the veil. Because this will never happen for you if your house isn't in order. I by your house I mean your life. It starts from within. To talk to the angels you first need to be able to love including yourself openly, unselfishly. Love and light to you All.

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...