Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Manifestions Realized

I am amazed myself at the power of manifestations. And I am so excited to share my experience with all of you.  It is something I learned in my last class Master of Life. We did dream boards either online or on poster board. I did mine the old fashioned way on poster board. It is funny that I had been saving magazines for just such a project on my own. I had done one before in college and was unhappy with the results and had looked forward to a rainy day project. To me online made the project less tangible. The idea is to see your dreams daily and see them becoming reality. We also wrote a manifestation for something we needed or wanted in our life. The idea is to write it in as much detail as possible then say it out loud three times daily for three weeks. Then give it over to the Universe.  It doesn't matter if it is a material wish. God isn't going to smack you down for wishing for a more comfortable life. But let me tell you about my manifestation that became reality. On my poster board is new cloths. I have gained a bunch of weight since breaking both feet. But I am terrible and will not pay full price for cloths. And I am picky.  I like name brands and boho style funky cloths that fit my crazy personality. I am a medium after all. Well I don't do the crowds on Black Friday anymore. I just cant after breaking both feet and having full body RSD now. Its just too much to get up in the middle of the night to go shopping and I will NOT go out on Thanksgiving Day. So I was at home on the afternoon of Friday after Thanksgiving cleaning up all my junk email and had some really good deals in my inbox. I had a $20 credit from a company that had a sweatshirt I had wanted for a couple years. It cost me just over $15 with shipping. Then Kohl's sent me an email and I got 3 pair of pants that I desperately needed for my trip to Oregon for Christmas. That rewarded me with $15 dollars of the Kohl's bucks that started the next day. Well finally Sunday I got online to see if they even had anything I would want and found two perfect sweaters, plus two long sleeve shirts to wear under things and a pair of jammie pants with my discounts I got it all for the Original price of one of the sweaters. So I had manifested my desire for cloths and the price I was willing to pay for them. I even got a pair of boots. And they have already arrived. So when you wish for it and send it out to the Universe. You can get what you need and want. Its all in how you do it and live your life.
Love & Light to you All!!! And happy Manifesting!
PS Only one true manifestation at a time. DONT  BE GREEDY! 

Saturday, November 26, 2016


I hope this finds you all having had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family & friends. I also hope that you didn't start shopping until Friday unless it was on the internet. Frankly I find the stores opening on Thursday highly offensive. I reward those that don't by spending my Christmas money with them. Last year R.E.I. gave both Thursday & Friday off to their employees and shut down their stores. I did quite a bit of shopping there letting management know why I was there. Its important to tell management so that they will continue the trend and allow their employees to be at home with their families where they belong. I had actually hoped to spend my day alone. I had all these plans to color in my adult color books and meditate. Cook myself this quick but lovely dinner. But it started earlier in the day when I decided to help my mom by trying to get the software downloaded for virus protection. I spent most of the day attempting to perform this task on the 3 computers only to have 2 fail because of our terrible internet. Kept reminding myself it was the thought that counted. As I dreamt how I would rather be doing just about anything else. My mother had gone out and stopped the neighbor to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving when she saw him driving out and I swore I overheard him say he was going to be alone. Mom confirmed this when she came in so when I thought he was in cell phone range I called and asked if he wanted t share my non-traditional Thanksgiving with me. He looked and mom said very lonely and depressed when he was leaving. He never called back and came home a couple hours later. So I put my puppy on a leash. Mostly so she wouldn't jump the fence and follow me anyway. And walked down to my neighbors. He had not heard my message but seemed so happy to take me up on my offer of dinner. I had no idea that what I thought was selfless. Because honestly I thought I would rather be alone. Would turn into the best Thanksgiving I had in years and years. We talked for 3 hours straight. No awkward silence. Like two old friends catching up after not seeing each other. It was an amazing gift and I was so happy not to be alone for the first time in quite awhile. Doing good things for others usually makes you feel good. But not always does it become a gift for your very soul. My neighbor reminded me why I used to always do things like this. It is love. Love for your neighbor, friends, family that is not tainted with wanting something in return. And it does fuel the soul. Without true untainted love we are nothing. Happy Thanks...Giving to you all!! Love & Light too.  

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Sorry I have been missing. I have a rare neurological disorder called reflex sympathetic dystrophy. It is the worst pain disease known to doctors. The disease was discovered during the civil war and was originally called causalgia. The doctors then could not understand why when the soldiers injuries healed they still had this relentless horrific pain. I am considered a type 2 which means caused by injury. My original injury was when I was 21 and crushed my right hand. But my disease has spread due to surgery and other injuries and just the disease itself. In 2015 I broke both feet. I was lucky in that RSD only spread really bad in one foot. Though it does affect a couple of my internal organs as well. I have been in a major flare up of my disease which is why I have not been posting as normal. It has been the worst flare up I have had in years. What I have found though is I am not staying in bed as I would have with even smaller flare ups. The changes I have made in my life have made a profound impact and wanted to tell you this not for sympathy but so you can see what positivity can do. And meditation. I have continued through the pain to practice Prana and then one hour of silent mediation a day. I promise you when you are in as much pain as I am its even more difficult to turn off the chatter in you head. When I am in pain I want talking noise. I cant stand music it sends me over the edge. But I like monotone talking. I have a bunch of shows I tape for just such occasions. I have also practiced positivity during this flare. I also promise this has not been easy. It would have been easier to give in to it and lay on my bed and cry. Yes, it is that bad and way worse then your imagination. On the McGillis pain scale a fracture is a 20 and RSD is 48.  The highest above cancer pain and the amputation of a finger or toe. That gives a glimpse of what I am trying to explain. Doing the meditation will actually bring my pain level at least for a short period. It is very helpful and I now understand why my doctors pushed so hard for me to have a regular schedule of it when I first got sick. I tried a few times but wasn't in a supportive environment. That has changed. I also have surrounded myself with like minded positive people. If you are with negative people get them out of your life. I don't care if they are family at least distance yourself. Positivity from those around you is all you need. Thank you for understanding my absence. I hopefully will be better in the next few days. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

It's Not Easy

I don't want anyone to think that changing your life is an easy process. We are bombarded everyday with negative messages. Whether it be by the media, newspapers, internet, magazines or our very own friends and family. But its what we decided to do or not do with that negativity that stands between us and being able to connect with the other side. Because we all have the capability. Not just mediums who have found their gifts. Every person is born with the intuition. That's why so many children are seen talking to spirit. Children are open. It took me three years to shed the pain of the past and go through enough schooling I felt I could offer my abilities to others. But what was holding me back from connecting to the other side even though my whole life I saw spirits and was extremely intuitive (more than an average person) was my inability to let go of my childhood abuse and abandonment. And my marriage was less then happy it was verbally abusive and I needed to remove myself from that situation in order for abilities to flourish. If your vibrations aren't high the messages from spirit become lost. They cant reach you through all the turmoil already going on in your head. You have to clean up the playground so to speak so the real fun can begin. Honestly connecting with spirit is surprising, amazing and such a gift. Though honestly you wonder how it is you can possibly know what you know and just have to realize it is truly a gift from God and your spirit guides are guiding you. But remember change for anyone for anything does not happen overnight. And anything worth doing takes time. So don't give up. Whether that is changing for the positive. Don't forget to use Cancel Cancel! Or hoping to improve your intuition so you can reach the heavens & pierce the veil. Love & Light to you all! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Silent Space Meditation

Meditation on it's own takes practice. The next thing you know when your in meditation your thinking about the grocery list you need to right or the cell phone bill that needs to be paid or how you need to contact your child's baseball coach. Or one of the other 50 million things on our to do lists of life. But meditation is where we need to stop. Step outside of our responsibilities and take time to renew. We need to let those thoughts just pass by and not dwell on them when they come to us during meditation. I told you I would keep you up to date on my Master in Life class. Well our journey this week leads us to silent meditation. Honestly something I am not very good at and need to improve upon. I have a hard time in silent meditation turning off the to do list. I don't have this problem in guided meditation as often as I am able to concentrate on the journey. And able to reach spirit if it is a journey to a loved one. I can cross through the veil to the Akash. I am blessed by Source to have these skills. But I must have lessons to learn in this journey to find my way to the silent space. I practiced today and was able to get my mind quiet for about 10 minutes of the 20 minutes I did silent meditation. My goal is to be able to do Prana meditation followed by an hour of silent meditation. It is my understanding you can cross the veil and magical things can happen to someone who is able to create that silent space. It is my goal. I will keep you informed on my progress. Wish me luck. It is not an easy goal for someone with PTSD. It is not easy to shut off the mind. But when I do it the peace I will find both in & out of silent meditation will be something wonderful. I don't plan on giving up until I accomplish this goal. I hope all of you are practicing meditation daily. Its life changing. Love and light to you all!

Monday, November 7, 2016


Gossip is a nasty weapon. It inevitably always gets back to the person who is being gossiped about. And I guarantee you if you practice in gossip you are lowering your vibrations and moving away from Source and spirit. The dictionary defines gossip as a person who habitually talks about the personal lives or behavior of others. Or delves and talks about intimate details of another persons life. Its not gossip if you are speaking directly to the person but when you take that same information and go behind their back and share it. Or a fight between two people becomes fodder for the masses. That is Gossip. I will readily admit I used to be one that listened and engaged to gossip. It is not something I tolerate at all in my life at any level anymore. My job especially requires me to keep a code of ethics and conduct. I cannot be discussing my clients. It is your job to share your stories. I may share snippets of things I am able to see in a reading. But I would never disclose to who I am  reading. Everyone deserves privacy. And not just for a reading but in their lives. Gossip is hurtful and mean. Before you get involved in a conversation that involves gossip think if these people talk like this about you when you're not there. Then try to turn the conversation to a positive direction or just literally put your foot down to stop the gossip. Warriors are rewarded in heaven. Be a warrior. Raise your vibrations and get closer to Source and Spirit! Love and Light to you All!

Sorry its been a few days since I posted I haven't felt well.  

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Paradox Shift

Last night I was up in the middle of the night for hours. And up and down the rest of the night. I was feeling agitated and was pacing in my bedroom and playing video games to try to wind down and distract myself so I could go back to sleep. When I went to my physical therapist this morning I find out she had the same problem and had called a friend that is a medium and she also had not slept. We talked about the paradox shift we felt in the atmosphere. Just a total feeling of negativity trying to take over. And a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. I came home and got online and posted a message on the board where I speak to other mediums. I found out pretty much every single one that was empathic had felt the shift last night and had not slept. This wont only affect mediums but we are just more aware of it. Be careful not to let negativity win in your life right now. This will pass. Try to add magnesium and vitamin D  to your vitamins or up the dosage if your not sleeping or have additional aches and pains that come with stress. Negativity feeds on stress. So try to wake with a smile on your face. Light wins over darkness. The election is weighing heavy across the globe. U.S. politics affects the world. And we believe part of the negativity is coming from the upcoming election. So don't pray for your candidate to win. Pray to God for the best possible outcome for the world. Because he knows what that is and we really don't. Stay positive my friends. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I wasn't able to do a blog post yesterday because I received a phone call that my childhood neighbor I have known for 40 years that is really more like family was in the hospital on her death bed. I just saw her in the last couple months and she was up just fine. So to hear this was devastating. My mother and I rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon. This beautiful woman & her husband were like an extra set of parents for me growing up. We lived on an awesome street where neighbors took care of neighbors. When I was about 6-7 years old her husband had just pulled up from work when I went out my front door screaming my head off. I had been doing an art project and stapled my finger and the staple was embedded in it. Nate pulled the staple out and took me in his house and cleaned and bandaged my finger. Wiping away my tears the entire time. And I spent a great deal of time going to church with Gracie and cooking in the kitchen with her after school. There are decades of stories I could tell. Like I said they are our family. But Gracie broke her leg two weeks ago and they took a biopsy and found bone cancer. No one had any idea she had cancer. In two weeks she went from fine to days until she will be gone. But there is beauty in it and this is what I am getting to. Just before her fall because she wasn't able to get around like she used to she said she wanted God to take her home. And when this happened she told the family she is ready to go home. Not home to her house but "Home" to the Lord. When there is no fear of death because you either have a deep faith in religion or God or your heart knows your going to heaven there is a peace in that. There is a big difference I see just watching the way my grandmother was and the way my friend is. My grandmother was afraid to die as much as she wanted to be with my grandfather. And he ended up coming to get her on the 14th anniversary of his death. So she would not be as afraid. The Lord allowed me to see the vision of them going to heaven together. But with my friend you could see her peace yesterday. They are taking her home but she will be ready when the angels come and tell her its time. She will go prancing towards heaven to see the Lord. You don't have to practice any form of religion to believe in God and in heaven. As long as you live a reasonably good life your place is secure in heaven. Cuss, drink a couple drinks, even forget to pay your taxes on time, & even gossip a little. Your still going to heaven. Your spot is reserved! Love & Light to you All! Please say a prayer for the family of my friend so that their pain is eased.     

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...