Monday, August 28, 2017

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I wanted to tell you is how my life has changed since angel code healing was done on me. My intuition level is on the climb. My readings are so accurate that sitters (clients) are taken completely by surprise. Its not uncommon for me to get one or two names in a readings. Where before I was happy to get initials. Also I have felt free of past baggage since the Angel Code Healing. More able to turn off the old hurts. And everything has been going my way. I also do dog sitting on the side for extra money. I will have a dog sitting on cancel and may have been starting to count on having that money and someone will call and immediately take their spot. It seems since I did the Angel Code Healing and have left it up to God things just go my way. I am even finally looking at building my Tiny House and having my first place of my own and home of my own at 47. It took me a lifetime to find my path but honestly the lessons were worth it t be this happy. I never thought it was possible to see the sky so blue and the grass so green. I hope that makes sense to you and if you need me reach me at  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

God sends us reminders

The other day I signed on to my computer and my main MSN News page popped up. The first article I see is about the 30 things that if ANY are happening in your relationship you need to get out ASAP. As a person who likes studying the human experience and being from a abusive marriage I thought what can I learn here. So I opened the article to read it. As I read I realized it was talking to me. So I backed it up and started writing down the things that pertained to my marriage. I was dumbstruck when I got done and close to tears. I knew God or my guides had sent this to me as a reminder of why I needed to stay strong in my decisions. I had 26 or the 30 that were immediate deal breakers in a relationship that I allowed to go on for years. Yet even though my ex-husband & I have been able to form a great friendship. I had longingly hoped to put my family back together. But two weeks ago I was attending my favorite singer in the worlds concert and texted my ex. I said you should be here with me. He said he would rather be at the dentist. He would rather be somewhere that cold cause him pain then to spend 3 hours making me happy. It was the final straw to my dream. He hasn't grown enough or I have out grown him. Maybe he was never enough. I certainly deserve someone who wants to make me happy. I am telling this all to you because not only did God or my guides put this reminder of strength in my path. But they will do the same for you. And let this be a cautionary tale. You deserve to be treated like a queen as you treat your spouse like a king. Everyone should be equally loved and respected. And if your not get out! Don't wait almost 30 years like I did. Your children wont respect you anymore for it.

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...