Friday, September 30, 2016


Boundaries come naturally to some people. But there are those of us who wait are entire lives to be taught healthy boundaries (took me over 40 years) because we were either not brought up in households where the were. There could have been abuse in our childhoods crushing any boundaries we were taught or we had abuse in our adult relationships making it impossible to have healthy boundaries. There are other reasons such as some just don't learn or grown up slower. No matter what your situation forming healthy boundaries at any age is imperative. Frankly having boundaries doesn't all of a sudden make you a bad person. It actually makes you the opposite. You don't become the bitch or asshole because you suddenly start saying no when someone has crossed the line (cancel cancel I will teach you that one later). Or asked you for a favor you can't or don't want to fulfill. If you wouldn't have been able to do it anyway and had said yes you would have looked bad. If you would have said yes and done it then most likely you would resent them because you didn't want to do it in the first place.  Bad situation no matter which way the chips fall. Honesty is the best policy and leads you to a happier more spiritually enriched life and closer to Source. Being closer allows you so many more opportunities. But boundaries is one step on the way to get there. It may seem silly or trivial. But it is a part of the puzzle that makes the whole picture beautiful.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Changing your life

People will tell you it is not possible to change your life, To change the very core of who you are. But especially if you have been living as others have seen you and not how you truly wish to be that is not a true statement. Its negative. And negative people either need to be left in the dust or at least have minimum contact with. Especially until you have learned to have boundaries set against people like this. We will discuss setting boundaries in the next blog. But it is completely possible to turn your life into something you have dreamed of. If you have lived with fear, depression, anxiety or anything like it. Its can takes years of work and you may need the help of trained professionals. But once you have made up your mind that your no longer going to let these types of things dictate the person you are. The most amazing things will happen. Since I personally have no longer let childhood trauma control my life the sky is bluer. The clouds are whiter and the sound of the ocean which was always my haven is even more soothing, The world becomes this place to explore not to fear. No one should have to feel they are not beautiful when they look in the mirror or fear they are not good enough for their spouse or girl/boyfriend. Or any of the other million issues we all have faced. Those that are worse the rapes, molestations or abuse by parents or spouses. The lessons we learn here are important but they don't need to dictate our happiness for our entire existence here while we live this life time. Remember we may choose to comeback and we may not so you may only have but one life to live. But even if you don't they all count.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Past LIves Mediatation

It is very important before you decide to look into doing a pat lives meditation that you are not only familiar with mediation. But that you have a relationship with your spirt guides. If this is something you are wanting to accomplish than working with certified psychic medium is a good idea if your not yourself a medium. Its is important when going through to the other side to grounded and protected by God's white light. I talked about vetting spirits before. Its imperative that your spirit guided protect you on your journey. Show you only what is in your best interest and the most positive in this lifetime to see. I have been on a few journeys to past lives. I know my ex-husband of this life is my forever husband. He has been my husband in every lifetime. No matter what my ethnicity. For I spent one lifetime as an American Indian. I am actually young compared to many having only been reborn 7 times. I have not yet found out if I worked as a spirited guide when I wasn't here on Earth. I still have so much to learn. That is the beauty in what I do. I will never stop learning. That is our job here. To return to Source (God) with all we learned. WE wont be punished for our mistakes. That is how we learn. If I can help you get to your past lives or meet a loves one contact me. I would love to help you see through the veil.  

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Sometimes when we least except it we get the sign we need that things will be okay. I was making the second half of a 600 mile journey and did not have time before I left the hotel to do the grounding and meditation that would have made me feel the most comfortable. Now I have been making this drive a minimum of once a year since 1989. Twenty-seven long years of this at times very long drive. But not too long after I left the hotel and got south of town there was a HUGE sign. I had never seen this sign before & I have almost every sign on this drive memorized it feels like. It said "Gaia Resort & Spa". I said Thank you God & Spirit Guides. I know I will get home safely now. And though traffic was extremely heavy. I made it home without incident. For those of you who don't know what Gaia means it is Mother Earth. It is what we ground to when practicing mediation. So now you can understand my utter feeling of happiness and that I received a sign from above. There may be times you are receiving signs and are just not open to them. A feather, or a penny. How many times do you not pick up those pennies on the ground? I always do and am shocked how the dates correlate with someone who has passed. Its a communication pathway that takes them little energy. And I will find them in the strangest places. Open yourself to the signs. Don't go looking for them just open yourself to the possibility and your will be surprised what you see.   

Saturday, September 24, 2016


I don't know how many of you practice mediation. But the life changing effects a regular meditation schedule can bring is amazing. Whether your going through grief from the passing of a loved one, suffer from anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, PTSD, ADD, ADHD or any other anxiety disorder, It is amazing what a calming effect a regular meditation schedule can have on your life. In the beginning it important to be diligent and stick to your meditation for 60 days straight. If you miss a day don't just quit. Just start the days over again. This is a life changing mission. Starting over wont effect anything. Your final plan will be to find time in everyday to do either guided or unguided meditation. You will be become so proficient at mediation at the end of 60 days you will be able to do a quick unguided meditation when time is short. We all have days when we just don't have time. But being grounded to mother earth will bring you a peace and balance you may have never felt before. And if you wish you can add the protection of God's white light mediation. If this is something you need. I highly recommend the grief mediation. I am adding a link to the mediations I most recommend. Laura Evans has been a medium for over 30 years and was my teacher and is my mentor. I personally use her mediations daily. Please try a mediation schedule and watch it bring peace and balance into your life. Have a great day full of love and light.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Vetting a spirit

Even if you don't believe yourself to be a medium. We all are born with gifts. And all have some ability to be intuitive. It is what gets us through life to be safe and make decisions. But everyone can have visits from spirit. The important thing when having these visits is knowing what to do. Not everything that comes to visit may be as it seems. We may want to believe that what is coming to visit us comes with the best of intentions. Until I went to school to be a medium I only knew what I saw on television. I thought it was obvious. Bad ghosts or demons would show themselves as bad such. But you must be careful to protect yourself. It doesn't matter if your a medium or not. If you are being visited by spirit there is something very simple you can do to protect yourself. Simply ask the spirit if they are "From the light of God". If they won't answer you or tell you no. Tell them to leave your space and NEVER come back. If they answer yes then feel safe to speak to the spirit. You are in the presence of a sprit who has passed through the veil. Have a blessed day full of love, light and learning.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sitting with a medium

Good morning. I hope your all doing well this morning. I wanted to speak to you about what it is like to have a session with a medium. I am hoping  it will take any reservation you may have  about  sitting  with a medium away when the unknowns are gone. Whether by phone, in person or online a medium will ask you to sit comfortably and relax. And uncross your arms, legs and ankles. This helps energy to flow between yourself & the medium. And or loved ones if your having a reading trying to connect to spirit. Keep in mind spirit has a mind of its own and you may be having a personal reading and spirit will come through. I would ask you to take several deep relaxing breathes. And to start either picturing in your mind your loved one or the questions you need answers to. Keep in mind not just mediums but spirit does not answer us in the way a person living here on Earth does. So you need to be open to answers. I would ask you only reply yes, no or not sure to what I tell you until the end of the reading. As a graduate of the Zenith School I DO NOT believe in fishing for information from my sitters. I may have an off day when I my information may not seem to make sense. But I would never ask you questions  so I can skew the information to be correct. It is my job to get you the most accurate information possible through the veil. Some answers may not even make sense at the time of the sitting. You may need to discuss information with other family members or friends who may know something you may not. Or you may even think of it later when your not in such a different situation. Also keep in mind if talking to spirit they may not be directing all the answers to just you. I had a reading the other day where the woman said she was a grandmother (the spirit). She was adamant about it even after the sitter said no. I let it go but at the end of the reading I asked the sitter again if the spirit was a grandmother. It turned out she was. Not the sitter's grandmother. It was her Aunt. But she could not look past her herself. Sometimes spirit wants to validate others in the family. This was her way of validating her granddaughter as well. I am not a fortune teller. I cant predict the future. I can however you glimpse to the other side and help you see where you might need to go, should be, and who is with you.      

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Schooling & Readings

I have always been intuitive. It came a point in my life I was literally lead to the Zenith School of Metaphysics. You cant become a medium overnight. Not and do a good job taking care of your sitters (clients). The thing I learned that I loved the most at Zenith is to tell a real medium from a fake is if they are fishing for information from you. A medium with any real abilities does not  need you to feed them information. They may not always be correct, it may seem they may not be correct at that moment because it may not have happened yet. But right or wrong they wont ask you the questions. At least not until the readings is complete to validate their readings. Then it is up to you to do so. I will be honest. When I did my first reading during school (actually the first few) because it is required for graduation. I was terrified. What if I didn't get any information, what if I was wrong, or what if I just looked like fool because I wasn't who I thought I was. I started with photo readings. Honestly sometimes I am surprised at what I know and spirit tells me to validate to their loved one that it is them. Just a couple days ago a woman showed me she loved to do canning. I could smell the kitchen full of summer fruit and taste it. Her niece would can fruit with her in the summer. What a lovely memory for the spirit to share. But I would have had no way to know that information beforehand on a photo reading. It brings me so much joy to bring people together through the veil. Let me help you reach out to a loved one or get a question answered for yourself..   

Monday, September 19, 2016

Facing Loss

Just in the last couple weeks I lost grandmother to what started as a broken hip. But it is my opinion that not only was it her time she wanted to go. She wanted to be with my grandfather more than she wanted to be here. We had actually discussed it. The fact that he came to for her on the anniversary of the 14th year of his death says all I needed to know. I was given of gift from either my Angels or spirit guides. A glimpse to the other side of the veil of my grandparents walking hand in hand through an apple orchard just like they had so many times before. I am sad to lose my grandmother. We had just built this incredibly close relationship we never had before as I had lived 600 or more miles away since I was 18. Even though I had worked for my grandparents from age 8-17. You have a very different relationship with your grandparents when they are also your employers. But as I told my grandmother if not for everything she taught me I would not have had the careers or adventures I did as an adult. I owed it all to her. I have a difficult time shedding tears that she is gone. The ones I do are purely selfish for the time I wanted with her.  The more girl time. Lunches, dinners out. Or coloring on the patio with a glass of wine. That was fun! BUT when you are gifted with seeing your grandparents together again how can you cry? There are more souls than ever walking the earth. So many are afraid to go to the light. You aren't going to be punished or go to hell for something you think you did wrong. Some indiscretion. We are all here to learn. Take back to Source even the mistakes we make so hopefully the next time around those that follow will learn from it. We aren't going to be punished. My grandmother was afraid to die. I promised her whatever she thought she had done was nothing and God didn't care. That Grandpa would come for her and show her the way to the light. And I did not deceive my grandmother. And I would not deceive you. So you can relax and if you have loved ones close to the end you can help them cross over. There is no Ugliness waiting on the other side because you did something wrong in this life.  

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Welcome to my Love Life & Learning Blog. Here I will share with a path to a more spiritual filled life. Living a life closer to Source and hopefully closer to all things. I found since I opened myself to my gift that world is more full of wonders. The sky is bluer, the birds sing more beautifully than before and the wind in the trees sings songs I never heard before. I always enjoyed putting my feet in the sand at the ocean but when you are living to help people and living a life closer to God and the Angels, and your Guides even putting your feet in the sand takes on a new meaning. Think of Good creating every grain of sand. What a gift he gave us to be able to feel the warmth of it on our feet in the summer. To walk on the hard pack of it in the winter and watch the giant waves pound the shore. Both are beautiful in the differences. Its magic only one who could give us free will to decide our mission here on earth could provide. I hope you enjoy my website and blog. I hope to have you make an appointment for a reading. Either photo, telephone, in person or tarot. I cant wait to offer you healing. But I care about your healing and must finish school first. Have a wonderful Sunday.

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...