Monday, August 28, 2017

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I wanted to tell you is how my life has changed since angel code healing was done on me. My intuition level is on the climb. My readings are so accurate that sitters (clients) are taken completely by surprise. Its not uncommon for me to get one or two names in a readings. Where before I was happy to get initials. Also I have felt free of past baggage since the Angel Code Healing. More able to turn off the old hurts. And everything has been going my way. I also do dog sitting on the side for extra money. I will have a dog sitting on cancel and may have been starting to count on having that money and someone will call and immediately take their spot. It seems since I did the Angel Code Healing and have left it up to God things just go my way. I am even finally looking at building my Tiny House and having my first place of my own and home of my own at 47. It took me a lifetime to find my path but honestly the lessons were worth it t be this happy. I never thought it was possible to see the sky so blue and the grass so green. I hope that makes sense to you and if you need me reach me at  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

God sends us reminders

The other day I signed on to my computer and my main MSN News page popped up. The first article I see is about the 30 things that if ANY are happening in your relationship you need to get out ASAP. As a person who likes studying the human experience and being from a abusive marriage I thought what can I learn here. So I opened the article to read it. As I read I realized it was talking to me. So I backed it up and started writing down the things that pertained to my marriage. I was dumbstruck when I got done and close to tears. I knew God or my guides had sent this to me as a reminder of why I needed to stay strong in my decisions. I had 26 or the 30 that were immediate deal breakers in a relationship that I allowed to go on for years. Yet even though my ex-husband & I have been able to form a great friendship. I had longingly hoped to put my family back together. But two weeks ago I was attending my favorite singer in the worlds concert and texted my ex. I said you should be here with me. He said he would rather be at the dentist. He would rather be somewhere that cold cause him pain then to spend 3 hours making me happy. It was the final straw to my dream. He hasn't grown enough or I have out grown him. Maybe he was never enough. I certainly deserve someone who wants to make me happy. I am telling this all to you because not only did God or my guides put this reminder of strength in my path. But they will do the same for you. And let this be a cautionary tale. You deserve to be treated like a queen as you treat your spouse like a king. Everyone should be equally loved and respected. And if your not get out! Don't wait almost 30 years like I did. Your children wont respect you anymore for it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Free Tarot readings

Its been too long since I posted. I have been incredibly busy taking care of my mom and all of our animals since my poor my had knee replacement surgery. I have also been trying to take my tarot classes which I have not been able to do this week because I am dog sitting where there is no video streaming available. But Friday I will get back to it because August is a very busy month. But even being busy I would like to offer free tarot card readings for practice on what I have already learned in my tarot classes. So if you would like a free tarot reading contact me on my website or on Facebook. Also remember we are half way through the year. If you haven't yet it's time to make your bold moves for change. Especially in the month of Leo. Take charge of your destiny and your life. Your destiny is not written in stone in the Akash records. Because we make choices every minute of everyday that change our destiny. So grab that dream! No more hesitation just reach out and make it happen.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Most of you don't realize besides being a medium I am a certified distant healer. On top of that I just completed a class that certifies me to offer Angel Code Healing. I am offering for the time being to do this free of charge while I practice this method. There are many things I can do with Angel Code Healing. Remove Blocks for Telekinesis, Remove Past Life Karma, Blocks to feel Kundalini Rising, Remove Blocks to Clairvoyance, Removal of Blocks to Expand Brain Power & Clair cognizance, Removal of Blocks to Self Confidence & Removal of Blocks to Precognizance, Premonitions & Prophecy, & Removal of Blocks to accessing the Akaschic Records. If your need of either healing of pain or would like to have a free session of Angel Code Healing with me for any of the above mentioned Blocks please message me on Facebook or my website. Would love to work with you. Love & Light to All. Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Magical Month of June

We have begun a magical month. With the end of all the up & downs of the retrogrades with a beautiful Strawberry Full Moon behind us followed by the summer solstice. The beginning of the year was full of the ups and downs and retrograde after retrograde. Making it a topsy turvy beginning to the new year. But now we are in the home stretch of a beautiful time of year. Not only has summer started but we are free and clear of retrogrades. Now is the time if you have been feeling off or been putting your plans aside to step up and put those dreams and goals into an action plan. This is the time. This is the year. No more waiting for someone to come along and hand you your dream on a platter. You must go get it for yourself. Make it happen for yourself. No more excuses. The planets are aligned. The Universe is just waiting for you to take action and everything will line up as it should be. We all have things we want out of this life. Myself included. I have put off writing my book. I am no longer doing that. I am starting to write and get my ideas down. Its your turn. Don't let anyone tell you your incapable of living your dream. I was told that as a child and I proved them right. I am no longer going to allow others to dictate my success or failures. Failures are only learning tools. There is nothing wrong with failing as long as you get up and try again. So go out there and try for your dream success or fail the first time your winning. Love & Light to you All! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

You Might Wonder Why? Jophiel?

I had been thinking that you might wonder why I decided to do a series on the Archangels. It was certainly not to give you a history or Bible lesson or pound them into your head. I along with you wanted to know who to call upon besides the few I knew. We almost all know Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Some of us even know their gifts. But knowing who is best to call on for what in a time if need would be a great tool to have. Yes, of course you can call on them all. But wouldn't it be nice if your struggling with reaching your high self to just have an intimate conversation with Archangel Jophiel? Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty. And I am not speaking of looking in the mirror or some public obsessed vision of what beauty is. Beauty is not only a size 2 woman on the red carpet. Ask any man married to a size 20 woman who loves her. Jophiel will communicate with you in a number of ways and will do so without prompting with believers. If your inclined to a sudden creative idea or you suddenly see how particularly beautiful the mountains look today Jophiel may be talking in your ear. Jophiel is the idea Angel and loves to send them to believers. Jophiel as I said is one of our connections to our higher self. Call upon this Angel prior to meditation or some other project when your working on raising your vibrations to a higher plane. Jophiel is also the positive thinking Angel. Turning those negative thoughts into positive ones. Of course you also have to be willing to help yourself. Remember the helpful way I taught you I learned to get out of the habit of negative speak. If you do it say "cancel cancel" immediately. Even if you have to explain yourself. Even better! It gets you out of the habit of negative thought and negative speech. I had to go back to doing this. Especially when I am driving. So I hope your enjoying learning just a small bit about each of the Angels so far and now understand why I am doing it. Maybe it will be that much more enjoyable. I am learning things right along with you. his was actually something I wanted to know so I thought I would share as I tried to learn a few things. It gives e such comfort to know I can call on the Angels at anytime. You're never alone in the sense there is always someone to call upon. Love & Light to you All!   

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Archangel Gabriel & Vacation

Sorry I haven't written a post for awhile I am in Oregon on vacation. I came to Oregon for my best friends husbands retirement party. I try whenever possible not to miss the important moments in my friends lives here after spending 22 years living here and building not just friendships but family. I try to come up no less than twice a year. I am still close with my ex husband and actually stay with him when I come up. After spending the majority of the beginning of my adult life in Oregon and raising my son here there are a great deal of good memories and good friends here. Which brings me to talking about our Archangel. I wish I had known and had the wisdom I have now when I lived in Oregon. Maybe I would not be divorced and if I had known how to call upon the Angels for help maybe I would have had some of the help I needed to know what I needed before things fell apart. Though this could also be my life path but it is not an easy path. What brings me joy is helping people with my gift.

Archangel Gabriel is the only female Archangel. She is the patron of communication. Something I personally was not good at. Its taken a great deal of work to become a better communicator. I think its something many of us struggle with. Gabriel is the messenger angel.  She can help you overcome issues of fear and procrastination in communication. I know faced this myself personally. Being afraid to voice my own wants and needs and then being resentful when someone doesn't read my mind to give them to me. People are not mind readers. We cant except everyone to know what we want and need and must feel free to voice that. And if you need strength call upon Gabriel to help you.

Archangel Gabriel will also help with childbirth, the rearing of your children, pregnancy and even conception. So if your having difficulties in any of these areas this is the Angel to call upon. I need to remind you the Angels are always there. Time has no meaning on the other side of the veil. It makes no difference if you and I are both calling upon them. They can be everywhere at once. And you need be no one special but the special you to call upon the Angels. And what I mean is you do not need to be a holy person or a medium or psychic or anything other than a human being in need to call upon the Angels.

Gabriel is special. Not only does her name mean "God is my Strength". She is one of only three Angels name directly in the Bible. Lucifer & Michael being the other two. She especially good at helping anyone delivering spiritual messages. Journalist, musicians, singers, or anyone attempting to deliver a message. So call on her strength as I deliver to you Love & Light to All

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Big Changes

Have you felt the desire to go out and take on the world? Or start something new hoping it will bring you success? Maybe felt and overwhelming abundance of love and light coming into your life? If any of these things are happening for you right now I am not at all surprised.  The Flower Moon which is the name of our full moon tonight brings with it a great deal of power when used for numerology. This is the best time to work on manifestations. The moon in numerology is known as the Scorpion Moon. Its one of the brightest moons of the year. May 10th is the start of the 10 Universal year in numerology. That is powerful gift toward instant manifestation & love & light. This is also a healing and cleansing time. as Scorpio is ruled by Pluto. You will get answers to questions you have waited for, or close old wounds. Its time to let the old baggage go. And with everything lined up you will finally be able to accomplish this. This is an exciting time. Spring is in the air. Its a time for renewal and new beginnings. So write down your manifestation and start working on it immediately. Make your dreams come true. Let go of the things that hold you back. Turn to your guides, Angels, and God when things are tough and let them hold you up. You will walk much lighter through this life. Love & Light to you All! Happy Full Moon!

PS Don't forget to cleanse your crystals.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Archangel Raphael

Lets get back to talking about the Archangels and I can't do justice but by following Michael with Raphael. The Angel of Healing. Raphael means medicine doctor or God Heals the Soul in Hebrew. You have every right to call on the angels if you need them and shouldn't hesitate to do so. God has provided the Angels for our protection. Each with their own special gifts. Call on Raphael when your in need of healing. Both physical and mental. You may feel his presence while he is working to heal you. Especially if you are meditating. You may hear a low sound. Raphael can even help diminish the pain of chronic pain conditions. I know this personally as I have called on him when I have been in a flare up of my reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Its amazing to have the Angels help you. The Angels cannot come help you without your expressed permission. We have free will. So unless we ask for intervention none will be coming and even then only so much can be done.

You can also call on Archangel Raphael when you are going to travel. I actually highly recommend it. You can ask him to protect you from car breakdowns, lost luggage, to have smooth flight transitions and things of that nature. I am actually travelling soon and will be calling on him. Hope he will be in the car with me my entire trip. I like to call on Archangel Michael & Archangel Raphael together. They frequently get called on together in times of stress or fear. But also with my job as a medium when I am meeting spirits having the protection of both Angels is a safeguard. There are different ways to tell if your in the presence of Archangel Raphael. Of all the Angels he is the most communicative. The best way is to use your intuition. He often come to you in your dreams. You will also see his name pop up in a strange location. Or see a message on a license plate regarding what you just asked for. You will hear songs that coincide to what you spoke about or to Angels. Be open to the signs that Archangel Raphael is sending. He speaks to those who reach out to him in many ways. I hope you enjoyed getting to know this beautiful Angel a little more and how to reach out to him. Love & Light to you All!


Sunday, April 23, 2017


I took a class last year and one of the primary points of the class was manifestations. You have all heard the term Manifestation Destiny. Well it is possible to manifest your desires into reality. Of course they need to be reasonable. You can't try a manifestation that you want to go live on Mars in 2 weeks. That's not exactly reasonable. But it is possible. One thing I have learned is  the manifestations don't always come in the timetable you want either. They come when they come. The practice is to write on a piece a paper or a 3x5 card your manifestation. Then three times a day read it. Preferably out loud in front of a mirror seeing yourself in that situation. Do you need a new car and cant afford it? Do you want a promotion at work? Do you want to buy a house? Have a relationship be better? Visualize yourself doing whatever it is you wish to have. Do this for three weeks. Three times a day for three weeks is a small price to pay for life changing manifestations. I have just had one manifestation come to reality. I was without a car for many many months and was unsure how I was going to purchase one at the moment and had one given to me. It was a immeasurable gift. But a manifestation I had written several months ago. I also have a relationship that needs improvement. I just found out that will probably happen. Also a manifestation I worked on. So it does work. Must you must believe and be patient. Because manifestations are once again not on our timetable. It is my feeling that our Angels and guides are working on our behalf. And since we are working to make things better they will help us.  There is also nothing wrong with asking for material things that improve our lives. So don't let some misplaced guilt stop you. Manifest away! Love & Light to you All!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Emeregency Crystal Kit

We are going to do a quick blog on Emergency Crystal Kits before continuing with our Arch Angels series. Everyone should carry with them in their handbag or backpack a black silk pouch several key crystals. They will protect you from the things that try to derail your life or your day. The negative people, illnesses your exposed to, help to bring strength to you when you need it. It just depends what you put in your kit. In my personal pouch I carry clear crystal quartz, amethyst, tumbled malachite, hematite, fluorite (one of my favorite gemstones) & I am looking for a small enough piece of black tourmaline to finish my kit.  I carry quartz because it is the most powerful healing and energy gemstone on the planet. Amethyst guards against psychic attack. It also blocks stress and negative energies. Malachite is a wonderful stone that amplifies positive energy and absorbs negative energy. Hematite is important for having in your kit for its grounding and protecting abilities. It jeeps the mind, body and spirit as one. I am in love with the multi colored fluorite. the ones I own are green and purple and are just mesmerizing. Though fluorite comes in several colors. I think my draw to it is that fluorite does not allow psychic manipulation from outside sources. Its a protection for a medium. Your emergency kits need not be identical to anyone's. And I highly suggest you choose your stones to your needs. Everyone should have clear quartz & amethyst. Beyond that what your intuition calls to you is what should be in your emergency kit. Love & Light you All And have fun setting up your Emergency kits. Its a special time.  

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Archangel Michael

I thought we would start discussing the Archangels and what each one is particularly their for us for and what they can do for you. Of course we are going to start with the leader of all the Angels. Archangel Michael. Archangel Michael is their when your in need of protection. Its not only mediums, psychic or an intuitive that can call on the Angels for help. Anyone can call on them. Archangel Michael is also the guardian of the lightworkers like mediums and psychics and intuitives who are working to make the world a better place for those living and those who have passed but still walk the earth and need to be set free from that path. When you have been visited by Michael he leaves feathers, or you hear him in a clear voice or see shimmers of blue light. You can also have this wonderful sense of peace come over you. Another way to know Michael is sending you a message is through seeing repeating numbers.

When you call on him for help close your eyes. In your minds eye  see him placing his shield in fron of you. As that happens a blue light of protection will encompass you. If your in dire need practice this daily until the crisis passes. Michael will stay with you and you will have his protection everyday.

Love & light to you All!

Monday, March 27, 2017


When was the last time you really stopped and looked at a rainbow? Did you see the message it was sending you? Did you know there was a message from heaven meant for you in that rainbow? There was. Each rainbow is the exact order of our bodies chakras. Red, orange, yellow green, blue, indigo & purple. It is not an accident of nature. But the strongest color visible in a given rainbow contains a message to the viewer. You can learn to read a rainbow and receive your message from heaven, What an exciting thought. I have been fascinated with those beautiful prisms in the sky since I was a child. So much so my entire bedroom was decorated through high school with rainbows and my favorite store to spend my allowance and holiday money in was a Rainbow Store in a seaside town not to far from my home. Lucky for me my mom loved that town as much as I did if not more and would happily take me there. The store still exists but they don't have Rainbow things anymore. So not quite sure why its still called Rainbows End. I will take an unneeded exit ramp off a highway to take a picture of a rainbow. A nothing special rainbow. I saw a double just the other day. Which means magic is on the way. The Universe is working in your favor. I cant wait to see where life is going! The Rainbow holds many good things. Its Gods promise to us. Its the Rainbow bridge to our pets when we pass or if your a medium you can go over the rainbow bridge anytime to see your pets. I have gone once and help my Buddy. Honestly it was too hard to leave him. Someday I will go and never leave him again. Boy am I going to have a passel of dogs waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. But in seriousness learn to read the rainbows. I am not saying study a book or scan the internet. Use your intuition. You may need to know what the chakras mean. But beyond that use your intuition to what the rainbow message is. Love & Light to you All. Janis

This is my Buddy who is over the Rainbow Bridge and went at only 10 years old.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Happy Vernal Equinox

The Vernal Equinox is one of my favorite days of the year. Same amount of daylight as dark. Seems like everything is in balance. The start of the New Year in my traditions. Romans New Year began on March the 15th. Its the beginning of Spring. I love the wildflowers blooming in my rural area. It just says renewal. As does all the planting of the crops in our agricultural area and the blossoms blooming on the trees. We decorate eggs for the kids to find in the long grass of winter. We also celebrate the resurrection of the dead. In my line of work you can imagine I enjoy the rituals that come with that. I actually quite enjoy Catholic rituals. And the ones during Easter are my favorite. They last the longest. Lent, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday. They all hold special places in my heart since childhood. Though admittedly not a practicing Catholic I love the ritual. Not many mediums are welcome in your organized religion churches. Especially if your not afraid to say what you are. The fiery energy you feel in spring comes from Aries the Ram. Astrology plays a huge role in our lives during the equinox. Put your attention to your most deepest desires during this powerful time. Add in your spirit guides and Angels and you have a force to be reckoned with. You will be unstoppable if your wishes are pure. Love & Light to you All on this beautiful Spring Vernal Equinox!   

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Start Anew

Starting Anew. That's the message we get whether we call the full moon tonight by its Indian name the Full Worm Moon. Which is called that by the earthworms coming to life in the spring thaw. Or paganisms name which is Storm moon from the old wives tale of the month of March "Comes in like a lion and out like a lamb". But we are a week away from the equinox. And spring renews our hope of things to come. A refreshing of our spirit. Of who we are and what our path is. Starting Anew! Make your list tonight to ask the moon to help guide you in starting anew. With the Moon in Virgo its a great time to concentrate on yourself and the things that you need to improve on the most inside yourself. Decisions in your life that maybe you need to make. Relationships that aren't serving you as they should, or a job that isn't making you as fulfilled as you would like. Is it finally time to make the changes? Are you too harsh with the expectations you have of yourself in a certain area. Maybe you need to be kinder to yourself. Don't forget to stop and smell the wild flowers this time of year. I wont say roses. Its the perfect time of year to see natures beauty. Take that drive you have been putting off another weekend because you feel you have things to do. Feed the soul. Its as important as anything you do. You cannot be truly kind to others if you are not kind to yourself. True altruism  needs to begin with taking care of yourself. And I am not speaking materialistically. I am speaking of your inner peace and your soul. What feeds it! Its the time to start anew in feeding our very soul and find the happiness that drives us! Ask the moon tonight to lead you to your path. Love & Light to you All!

PS Don't forget to cleanse your crystals and tarot cards or any other tools in the full moons light tonight

Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Gem Pictures I Promised!

The top picture is a very expensive rare gemstone in its natural state. It is also the state gemstone of California and only found in one county in the state. Its called Benitoite after the county of its origin. A single faceted stone the size of one carat will cost you approx. $4,000.00. And are very rare and hard to find. Most pieces are smaller than a carat. And a great deal is sold in its rough state and not faceted. The second is of course a gorgeous large amethyst geode. But you can never leave amethyst out. Its is just breathtaking. The third picture is my next acquisition when I can find a piece I both like and can afford. Also not an inexpensive stone Sugalite is the used to bring the purple ray energy to Earth. Sugalite is great for channeling & meditation. Picture four is a stone I found fascinating and wanted to share with you. Its not common. And the white part is the actual crystals. Its called Scolesite and its from Brazil. Its good for opening channels to ancient civilizations and other worlds. Also helps you to regain self control.  Picture 5 does not do this quartz cluster justice. It was enormous. It was bigger than a child. Possibly 4 feet tall by 3 feet wide at least. Quite fascinating to look at. I personally had never seen anything like it in person before. I cant imagine trying to move it without breaking one of the beautiful crystals from it and it must be so heavy. The museum had it protected behind a glass barrier so it couldn't be touched for that very reason. As I am learning about crystals it fascinates me how powerful they are and how many uses that each can be to help us in our lives journey. Its another tool in our toolbox. It is my goal to add crystals to my healing. And hope to take a class on that very subject. Crystals are very powerful. Depending on whether you have diabetes, chronic pain, anxiety or something else. Crystals can be used to help treat that condition. But only as a another tool in conjunction to what your already doing.  It works. Especially if your healer has done their job and set the intention and properly cared for their stones. Mother Earth has not created these beautiful gifts of nature for us not to harness their power in a positive and productive way. I would have loved to share every picture I took with you. Maybe I will share them one at a time. Because there are so many with many stones in each picture in some. But this was a good start. I really hope you enjoyed them. Love & Light to you All. Happy Gem hunting!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Record keepers

I was so excited to start my crystals class this weekend. Unfortunately either the platform wasn't working properly or my horrible internet was acting up and I only got to sit through part of it. I need to go back and listen to the recorded class. But before I gave up from getting dropped so many times. I want to share with you one of the fascinating things I learned. So maybe when you are adding to your crystal collection or are looking through crystals and find one of these you will know what a treasure you gave found. There are crystals called "record keepers". These crystals will have perfectly formed triangles on them. And they will be formed into the crystal. These are not man made triangles. And while they can be small they are distinct. These are the record keepers of the "Akash". If you have not been to the Akash it is where all your lives are stored in a book of records. I have been there once and saw the details of one of my past lives. It was one I knew nothing about. But it explains so much for this lives fascinations and why I feel so close to one of my spirit guides. Many questions were answered for me on my trip to the Akash. I can't answer you why I haven't gone again. Maybe I am just not ready to see more. It is a beautiful place. I can see it still in my minds eye. I have not forgotten the pictures I wanted to share with you but it's not working from the platform I am using so I am going to have to do a separate post. Which might be okay I can post more pictures. Love & light to you All. Hope you enjoyed the post.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Transit Guide

I am fascinated with numerology and astrology. I find numerology to be surprisingly accurate. When astrology is done accurately and with birthdates and times it can also be very accurate. We are truly creatures of our nature. I broke down and had a Transit Guide done for 2017 and the beginning of 2018. A Transit Guide is a almost a daily astrological guide on what is important to accomplish in your life for that day. Or what may be a obstacle. A Transit Guide will help determine your luckier days because we all have them versus the days where everything goes wrong from the time your feet hit the floor from bed. And its not karma. We don't deserve to have things go wrong. Its just our turn. You can't use a transit Guide to live your life it is simply another tool to help make life better. To help reach your goals. I personally have quite a few goals I would like to accomplish the next couple years. So I find it to be a useful tool. Maybe instead of the 5th making the decision on a business matter the guide tells me that is not the day to be making decisions and the 10th is. Its something to be considered. I have seen to many accurate numerology and astrology predictions to dismiss what I don't quite understand out of hand. Of course as a medium how could I do that. I don't understand except as a gift from God how I am able to receive messages from those that have passed. I just know. Its an odd knowing. To have someone else's knowledge in your head. So if I can embrace my gift from God I must embrace the things I don't understand. I have to be open minded. That's what I share with you. The gift to be open minded. I honestly used to see through a narrow point of view. But when you look through a narrow point of view the world is not as beautiful and becomes very grey. It is so much better to open your mind then you start to see the possibilities and beauty in everything around you & the good in people that you might not have seen before. I hope you all get a chance sometime to get a Transit Guide done. And I hope your living a wide open minded life. Love & Light to you All!!

PS I hope to get the pictures of the stones from the museum downloaded in the next couple days and I will share them with you. I also bought a new stone you can look up I bought kyanite (in blue) & I have one more surprise stone coming.  

Friday, February 24, 2017

San Fransisco Treat

Even though I have been sick and I am still not quite myself I have a little spring in my step thinking about tomorrow. For Christmas I bought my Mom, her boyfriend (my dad) and myself tickets to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. They are having a special exhibit called Gems & Minerals Unearthed. There are 400 different specimens to view. Talk about a medium's heaven. And yes I am not dragging my parents along it was my dad that first heard about it. I am sure my phone will be non-stop taking pictures of these beautiful earthly treasures. I will have to share the best with you and what they are best for as far as psychic and healing abilities. My parents were mostly drawn to go see a practically priceless piece of Benitoite. Benitoite is the state gem of California. It is only found in one place in the world. A single county in California. It is a beautiful sapphire blue color and is outrageously expensive. I have a small sample of it that is more chips of Benitoite than crystals. But I am happy to have it. Benitoite is a powerful gem. Benitoite is good for channeling angelic guidance and enhancing psychic ability. I am looking forward to researching the gems I am less familiar with and seeing some I have never seen in person. I have a feeling its going to be difficult to get me away from there tomorrow. If you live in the area I highly recommend going to see this exhibit before it closes. Groupon has had deals on going to the museum. I don't know if they are still offering them but it wasn't that long ago I saw the offer again. Great way to get out for the day and increase your knowledge on a subject that can help with intuition & psychic ability. Hope you all have a great weekend planned. Love & Light to you All!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Growing Collection & Growth

Even being sick its been an exciting month. I have been growing my collection of powerful crystals. Everyone should try and have the basics. You don't need to be a medium or intuitive to gain help from the crystals. Simple tumbled crystals are great to start with or to just have. Its funny before I ever admitted to my gifts my son & I collected rocks. I also was always drawn to natural stone jewelry. I have a friend who is a medium who s teaching me about crystals and leading me to books and crystals to start with. The funny thing is I have sent her picture after picture of geodes and jewelry I already had that were powerful crystals and stones. It shows that we are drawn to that which we are destined to be. I tried to hide who I was for my most of my adult life. When I decided to answer the calling of who I was I found all of these things that were all along trying to guide me to where I belonged. So while I build my collection not only to help myself but to help my clients. It continues to open my eyes. I hope it helps you too. To look at the small things and see if you are missing the obvious signs that you are not doing what you are meant to be doing. There is no point to living this life being unhappy. I spent most of life being unhappy thinking my unhappiness was for others benefit. I was never so wrong. But as we grow we learn. And we must be open to growth or we just remain stagnate as a person. I still learn something new about myself constantly. I have changed who I am so much. Those who say people can't change are wrong but it is just like anything else you have to really want it. Do you really want it? Do you want a life rich in spirituality? Do you want a life where you stop & smell the roses and mean it? Three of the crystals I bought this month were very purposeful. I bought Bentonite. This is the State of California Crystal. It is only found in one county in California in the entire world. But it is highly powerful for psychic ability and reaching across the veil. I purchased Azurite also a powerful psychic ability crystal. I actually bought two different specimens of this crystal because I have fallen in love with its beautiful blue color. And I bought Malachite. I bought two pieces of Malachite as well. One for me and one for a friend. Malachite keeps out negativity. It also is good for anyone living near a nuclear power plant. One of my best friends just had major cancer surgery and has been having complications. She lives within 10 miles of a nuclear facility in the mid west. So I sent her a piece of the Malachite to keep in her living room to not only protect her from the power plant but to keep negativity out of the house. She needs all positivity around her. When I found it I was so taken with it I got one for myself and keep it near the head of me bed & the entrance to my bedroom. If you have crystals its important to keep them clean and I will go over the different ways you can do that in a later post. If your looking to start a collection look at getting rose quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz,  tigers eye, & clear crystal quartz to start.  Those are easy to find and quite a varied powerful collection. And once again tumbled is fine to keep price to a minimum. Hope none of the sicky bugs going around have gotten to any of you like they got me. Love & Light to you All.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Sorry I have been absent I have pneumonia. I hated being offline during some of the most exciting cosmic events of the year. Its the opening of the door for so many people if you take advantage of this beautiful opportunity of everything lining up. Its the perfect time to speak your truth and reach for your dreams. If in doubt have a reading. Tarot or personal. Feel the shift in the air. Everything seems like their is a freedom to even the air we breathe. I am sick and I can hardly stay still to get well from the excitement since the full moon & lunar eclipse. And that is just the beginning of the February cosmic changes. This is one of the most exciting months of the year and its best to take advantage of it. Half the month is still left and there is plenty of time. Use your intuition to know what is right. No longer let fear hold you in place. Change is actually a good thing when it comes from a positive place. It can be a good thing period. I will share something with you that may help. I did a New Years Tarot Spread on myself. It was the worst tarot spread I had ever had and it was very dark. I knew why it was dark. I was holding back not speaking my truth in a relationship. I thought about my options and told this person we could only be friends. I redid that tarot spread and it had drastically changed. I was no longer going to spend the year a prisoner to a relationship that was not fulfilling my soul. The tarot spread also told me the other relationship I needed to step away from and that one is more complicated but I am working on it. Sometimes the accuracy of the tarot is mind boggling. But then again I find that with my own gifts at times. Well I must go for now. Honestly a nap calls. I just didn't want you to think I forgot about you in the most busy cosmic month of the year. Love & Light to you All!  

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Seen Any Fire Roosters?

Ok it is fun to be silly. I personally enjoy to laugh and probably don't get enough of it. Do any of us? But it really is the year of the Fire Rooster. And this is a great thing it means its time to strut your stuff. No holding back. Not only as we have talked about is this a first year in the nine year cycle. So we have new beginnings. But the opportunities to find our passion and creativity our abounding, Especially in February. Mars is in power now and will push your passion and creativity to the forefront. Its time to run with it. And to top off it all On February 10th the Snow Leo Full Moon rises bringing with it the fiery temperament of the Leo Sign. Its a beautiful year for getting the things you have been dreaming of if you are willing to work for them. They still will not just come to you. Life does not typically work out that way. That's why its 1 in 2 billion odds that win the lottery. You have to make your own lottery. Your own good times and your own blessings. Good things can come to those who believe and work hard for what they believe in. Having help like knowing when to put your best foot forward doesn't hurt. And in February its a great time to act on those passions you have put aside. You deserve to be happy and to live the dreams you want for yourself. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


One of the things I have found the most surprising doing readings is its not just the sitter (client) that learns something. I have learned some valuable lessons about life and about myself helping others. Its made me extremely grateful for these interactions. I would love to share the details with you but by doing so I would be breaking the confidence of my sitters and I cant do that. What each of you tell me is personal. And unless I have permission to share your story I cannot. But I can tell you I have learned to have more patience and to be less judgmental. Which neither was an easy thing for me to learn. But I found especially with judging people that God put in front of me people that I could get the biggest lessons from. And what a gift and an eye opener they were. So while you may be thinking that I am only helping you. Doing readings for you helps not only me become a better medium it makes me a better person. Love & Light to you All!

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Computer is fixed!

I am so happy I am back online with you after having to take my computer to the guys and gals at Geek Squad. Had a little virus issue that needed tending to. I couldn't even get on the internet on my computer anymore. Before that the flashing pages were like a psychedelic trip! They did a fantastic job fixing my computer. I can do my blog from my iPad but its not a very comfortable way for me to do it. And I having been waiting and waiting for the right time to share this quote with you. For most of my adult life I have had a particular quote that was essentially my life motto. It held great meaning to me and on days that I was struggling I always had it in my mind so I could pull it out of my head and remind myself why I kept going. As I struggled with what I thought was depression most of my life. I found what I called my bag of tricks to try and get me out of the dark places. As I watched the inauguration eleven days ago I heard a quote that touched me t the core. I have not changed my quote ever. But my life has changed a great deal not only in the last 6 years with my divorce but in the last 3 years. A whole new world opened up for me. I found out I was not depressed my entire life I actually had PTSD from childhood abuse and bipolar disorder on the depressive side. And going through intensive counseling for 2 months and being medicated properly for the first time changed my world. Then I finally opened myself up to the gifts I had been hiding for so long. So it was time ti change the quote. The Quote is part of a much larger one by Mark Helprin "As long as you have life and breath believe." This spoke volumes in just a few words. Believe in yourself, in your higher power,  in the ways of spirit to communicate & that everything has purpose. Just Believe! You can make miracles happen if you believe. Our paths are far from ever easy at times. But we have to believe its the right path. There is that word again. Believe. Its beautiful. It fills you with optimism & joy. So Believe and feel the love & light shine upon you.  

Don't forget to check out my Facebook page Love & Light Medium Janis Mini Photo Readings
I give free mini photo readings on this page

Saturday, January 28, 2017

The Clair's

 Not all mediums get their information the same way. Some see signs they must interpret, some have a knowing, some get information directly from spirit, some cane taste, smell or hear information. And some have multiple Clair abilities. Most do. Because rarely do you use all your abilities at once. My strongest ability is the knowing. I simply know what is going to happen or has happened. I have predicted earthquakes and recently a couple went missing and I knew they would be found dead off a cliff south of their destination. Which is exactly where they were found. It's an odd sensation to just know something. I have this knowing about my clients. I also speak to spirit when doing photo readings. And had one spirit show me her kitchen and I tasted her jam. So I could give an accurate reading to my client. It was amazing. It's funny I still would love a jar of that jam it was so good. But them me introduce you to the Clair's. Everyone's heard of clairvoyance. The ability to see objects, actions or events. Clairauideince is the ability to hear spirit.  Clairsentience this is the ability to feel. Your able to feel for example another persons illness or injury. This is a very complicated ability. CLAIRSALIENCE The ability to smell. I personally don't have this and honestly not sure with the things I have seen if I would want it necessarily. CLAIRTANGENCY is the ability to read objects or touching. I have tried this and been successful but it's not something I do everyday. Claircognizance is psychic knowing. This is my strongest Clair. And one of the most rare among mediums. There are several others people talk about but these are the main Clair's and the others start getting into detail that's not necessarily the point I am going for. When either trying to better your own intuition or looking for a medium who fits with your belief system or personality this is one of the things you can discover or consider. You have the right to ask questions. You don't have to blindly believe a medium there is a great deal of fraudulent people out there. Make them earn your business. Love & Light to you All! 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

But we're just typing right?

But we're just typing right? That's what I heard from someone who was scheduled to have a free mini reading with me this weekend and had forgotten. She was out shopping and wanted to continue anyway. She would have gotten out of it exactly what she put into it if I had allowed it. Nothing. I take my job very seriously. What I get from spirit is not to be taken lightly. It's not a joke. I don't say things I make up in my head. What I am told is for your betterment. I also don't appreciate people wasting my time. Twice this week while having scheduled FREE mini readings people did not show up on time and had to be rescheduled. I must do grounding and protecting which can take 20-30 minutes if my time before I meet with someone online or in person. And online is just as important. i don't consider a free reading less important than a paid reading. I just only do 3 validations. It still takes almost a half an hour when your speaking to people. My time is as valuable as yours. Please keep this in mind when setting appointments with me. I love doing readings. It's my favorite thing to do. Even the free mini photo readings. I love to help someone if I can. But it's not fun when people don't hold up their end. And you will get much more out of it if you schedule a time when you can gave a bit of peace to concentrate on your reading. I need your energy as well to help call in spirit. Love and light to you All.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Not without Permission

Don't be concerned about spending time with a medium or intuitive. As long as they are a moral person they won't do what we call "psychic peaking". A medium should never look into someone's life without permission. That is what a reading is for. I personally have gotten messages from the other side from relatives of my friends. But I ask them if they want the message before delivering it. And I cannot control what spirit does when it comes to bringing me messages. It usually very important that I get the messages to my friends. Spirit doesn't have the energy to waste time with things of little meaning. Though they do like to play games. That's another post lol. I will do readings that center on your lives. And it can be incredible what comes to the surface. Or it can be difficult. And be something you need to face head on. But only with your permission will I do a reading. When I go somewhere I shut myself off from people. It's too hard not to pick up everyone's emotions. It's difficult to live that way if your picking up what others are feeling all the time. It's actually exhausting. So the last thing we want to be doing is snooping into the personal lives of our friends or family without expressed permission. So the next time your hanging out with a medium or intuitive realize your secret is safe as long as you want it to be. Live and Light to you All!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Wolf Moon

The first full moon of 2017 is called the Wolf Moon. Native Americans named the full moon's hundreds of years ago. The January full moon was called the Wolf Moon because when the food was scarce for the wolves in the winter they would gather outside of the villages of the tribes and howl. Particularly in the month of January. I am not sure but I think I would have found this quite unnerving especially if I were a young mother. I love the coyotes singing but what it usually means is nit exactly something to celebrate unless your a coyote. I love wolves and would love a wolf mix pup. Their loyalty is rarely matched without being vicious. And seems you can see into their soul with those piercing blue eyes. But I digress. As you can tell I have a love fir them. It is wonderful fir me to start a year that feels so full of promise with an animal that calls to my soul. Does it call to yours? What a better night to charge your crystals and tarot cards under the full moon rays. The moon will set early in the morning if your on the west coast. So if your an early riser you should get to see it. Or if your like me up all night you will have the pleasure if it's not obscured by clouds. It's difficult in winter. But remember it's also intention and the moon rays will get through the clouds to charge your crystals and you can sage them if you think they need more attention. I just bought a book I recommend for telling you what crystals clean themselves and how to care for them. It's the Crystal Bible. It's not very expensive. Just over ten dollars but offers a wide variety clearly written of information about what the crystals are good for. I really admit to being a novice. There is so much to learn. I could spend the rest of my life doing nothing but crystals. But being a medium and healer and helping people is my main focus. I hope the full moon brings you peace as it does me. It's also exciting. I am fascinated with the moon. And how it effects our Mother Earth. Have a fun full moon night. Live & Light to you All! Howl at the moon at least once tonight! 😉

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Free To Make Dreams Reality

For those of you who follow numerology at all you know that 2017 is the "1" year of the nine year cycle. Its a very exciting time. Especially if you jump on the bandwagon of the of the great changes that can come with a number one year. But you have to be the one making the changes. The great thing is just days ago we finally came out of mercury retrograde. Which loves to play havoc in our lives. Nothing ever feels like it is going the way it should during these times. It is always the little gremlins that get in the way. But a number one year is a year of new beginnings. If you have put off starting a dream now is the time. Your holding your own fate in your hands. Even in numerology nothing is set in stone. We are the masters of our lives not victims of our fate. If we don't like how our lives our going it is simply our job to change our stars. It doesn't matter if it takes 20 years to accomplish your dream. If your working on it then your accomplishing it. And your pride in trying to reach the end goal should be high. Some things worth having are not easy. My goal for the first half of this year is to work on promoting my website. And to finally start writing my book. My book is not about how I became a medium but how I survived my childhood and marriage. Then turned my life around when I thought I didn't want to take another breath because the mental and physical pain was just more than I could take anymore. I had reached out for help several times and could not get the help I needed. Had I not asked for help one last time I would not be here. Because honestly I could not take another day of it. That's the hard part of always being an intuitive.  Because I also didn't know how to shut out other peoples pain and took it in like a sponge and wanted to help everyone. Now I help people in a positive way. And its uplifting and heartwarming. I want to continue to bring peace to peoples lives. I am going to share with you each month what I am doing in my journal. I challenge you all to get even just a notebook and journal with me the next few months. Tomorrow we will start the first month of the journaling practice. Good luck and comment if you will that you are finding it useful or helpful. Love and Light to you All.

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...