Monday, August 28, 2017

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I wanted to tell you is how my life has changed since angel code healing was done on me. My intuition level is on the climb. My readings are so accurate that sitters (clients) are taken completely by surprise. Its not uncommon for me to get one or two names in a readings. Where before I was happy to get initials. Also I have felt free of past baggage since the Angel Code Healing. More able to turn off the old hurts. And everything has been going my way. I also do dog sitting on the side for extra money. I will have a dog sitting on cancel and may have been starting to count on having that money and someone will call and immediately take their spot. It seems since I did the Angel Code Healing and have left it up to God things just go my way. I am even finally looking at building my Tiny House and having my first place of my own and home of my own at 47. It took me a lifetime to find my path but honestly the lessons were worth it t be this happy. I never thought it was possible to see the sky so blue and the grass so green. I hope that makes sense to you and if you need me reach me at  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

God sends us reminders

The other day I signed on to my computer and my main MSN News page popped up. The first article I see is about the 30 things that if ANY are happening in your relationship you need to get out ASAP. As a person who likes studying the human experience and being from a abusive marriage I thought what can I learn here. So I opened the article to read it. As I read I realized it was talking to me. So I backed it up and started writing down the things that pertained to my marriage. I was dumbstruck when I got done and close to tears. I knew God or my guides had sent this to me as a reminder of why I needed to stay strong in my decisions. I had 26 or the 30 that were immediate deal breakers in a relationship that I allowed to go on for years. Yet even though my ex-husband & I have been able to form a great friendship. I had longingly hoped to put my family back together. But two weeks ago I was attending my favorite singer in the worlds concert and texted my ex. I said you should be here with me. He said he would rather be at the dentist. He would rather be somewhere that cold cause him pain then to spend 3 hours making me happy. It was the final straw to my dream. He hasn't grown enough or I have out grown him. Maybe he was never enough. I certainly deserve someone who wants to make me happy. I am telling this all to you because not only did God or my guides put this reminder of strength in my path. But they will do the same for you. And let this be a cautionary tale. You deserve to be treated like a queen as you treat your spouse like a king. Everyone should be equally loved and respected. And if your not get out! Don't wait almost 30 years like I did. Your children wont respect you anymore for it.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Free Tarot readings

Its been too long since I posted. I have been incredibly busy taking care of my mom and all of our animals since my poor my had knee replacement surgery. I have also been trying to take my tarot classes which I have not been able to do this week because I am dog sitting where there is no video streaming available. But Friday I will get back to it because August is a very busy month. But even being busy I would like to offer free tarot card readings for practice on what I have already learned in my tarot classes. So if you would like a free tarot reading contact me on my website or on Facebook. Also remember we are half way through the year. If you haven't yet it's time to make your bold moves for change. Especially in the month of Leo. Take charge of your destiny and your life. Your destiny is not written in stone in the Akash records. Because we make choices every minute of everyday that change our destiny. So grab that dream! No more hesitation just reach out and make it happen.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Most of you don't realize besides being a medium I am a certified distant healer. On top of that I just completed a class that certifies me to offer Angel Code Healing. I am offering for the time being to do this free of charge while I practice this method. There are many things I can do with Angel Code Healing. Remove Blocks for Telekinesis, Remove Past Life Karma, Blocks to feel Kundalini Rising, Remove Blocks to Clairvoyance, Removal of Blocks to Expand Brain Power & Clair cognizance, Removal of Blocks to Self Confidence & Removal of Blocks to Precognizance, Premonitions & Prophecy, & Removal of Blocks to accessing the Akaschic Records. If your need of either healing of pain or would like to have a free session of Angel Code Healing with me for any of the above mentioned Blocks please message me on Facebook or my website. Would love to work with you. Love & Light to All. Happy 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Magical Month of June

We have begun a magical month. With the end of all the up & downs of the retrogrades with a beautiful Strawberry Full Moon behind us followed by the summer solstice. The beginning of the year was full of the ups and downs and retrograde after retrograde. Making it a topsy turvy beginning to the new year. But now we are in the home stretch of a beautiful time of year. Not only has summer started but we are free and clear of retrogrades. Now is the time if you have been feeling off or been putting your plans aside to step up and put those dreams and goals into an action plan. This is the time. This is the year. No more waiting for someone to come along and hand you your dream on a platter. You must go get it for yourself. Make it happen for yourself. No more excuses. The planets are aligned. The Universe is just waiting for you to take action and everything will line up as it should be. We all have things we want out of this life. Myself included. I have put off writing my book. I am no longer doing that. I am starting to write and get my ideas down. Its your turn. Don't let anyone tell you your incapable of living your dream. I was told that as a child and I proved them right. I am no longer going to allow others to dictate my success or failures. Failures are only learning tools. There is nothing wrong with failing as long as you get up and try again. So go out there and try for your dream success or fail the first time your winning. Love & Light to you All! 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

You Might Wonder Why? Jophiel?

I had been thinking that you might wonder why I decided to do a series on the Archangels. It was certainly not to give you a history or Bible lesson or pound them into your head. I along with you wanted to know who to call upon besides the few I knew. We almost all know Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Some of us even know their gifts. But knowing who is best to call on for what in a time if need would be a great tool to have. Yes, of course you can call on them all. But wouldn't it be nice if your struggling with reaching your high self to just have an intimate conversation with Archangel Jophiel? Archangel Jophiel is the Angel of Beauty. And I am not speaking of looking in the mirror or some public obsessed vision of what beauty is. Beauty is not only a size 2 woman on the red carpet. Ask any man married to a size 20 woman who loves her. Jophiel will communicate with you in a number of ways and will do so without prompting with believers. If your inclined to a sudden creative idea or you suddenly see how particularly beautiful the mountains look today Jophiel may be talking in your ear. Jophiel is the idea Angel and loves to send them to believers. Jophiel as I said is one of our connections to our higher self. Call upon this Angel prior to meditation or some other project when your working on raising your vibrations to a higher plane. Jophiel is also the positive thinking Angel. Turning those negative thoughts into positive ones. Of course you also have to be willing to help yourself. Remember the helpful way I taught you I learned to get out of the habit of negative speak. If you do it say "cancel cancel" immediately. Even if you have to explain yourself. Even better! It gets you out of the habit of negative thought and negative speech. I had to go back to doing this. Especially when I am driving. So I hope your enjoying learning just a small bit about each of the Angels so far and now understand why I am doing it. Maybe it will be that much more enjoyable. I am learning things right along with you. his was actually something I wanted to know so I thought I would share as I tried to learn a few things. It gives e such comfort to know I can call on the Angels at anytime. You're never alone in the sense there is always someone to call upon. Love & Light to you All!   

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Archangel Gabriel & Vacation

Sorry I haven't written a post for awhile I am in Oregon on vacation. I came to Oregon for my best friends husbands retirement party. I try whenever possible not to miss the important moments in my friends lives here after spending 22 years living here and building not just friendships but family. I try to come up no less than twice a year. I am still close with my ex husband and actually stay with him when I come up. After spending the majority of the beginning of my adult life in Oregon and raising my son here there are a great deal of good memories and good friends here. Which brings me to talking about our Archangel. I wish I had known and had the wisdom I have now when I lived in Oregon. Maybe I would not be divorced and if I had known how to call upon the Angels for help maybe I would have had some of the help I needed to know what I needed before things fell apart. Though this could also be my life path but it is not an easy path. What brings me joy is helping people with my gift.

Archangel Gabriel is the only female Archangel. She is the patron of communication. Something I personally was not good at. Its taken a great deal of work to become a better communicator. I think its something many of us struggle with. Gabriel is the messenger angel.  She can help you overcome issues of fear and procrastination in communication. I know faced this myself personally. Being afraid to voice my own wants and needs and then being resentful when someone doesn't read my mind to give them to me. People are not mind readers. We cant except everyone to know what we want and need and must feel free to voice that. And if you need strength call upon Gabriel to help you.

Archangel Gabriel will also help with childbirth, the rearing of your children, pregnancy and even conception. So if your having difficulties in any of these areas this is the Angel to call upon. I need to remind you the Angels are always there. Time has no meaning on the other side of the veil. It makes no difference if you and I are both calling upon them. They can be everywhere at once. And you need be no one special but the special you to call upon the Angels. And what I mean is you do not need to be a holy person or a medium or psychic or anything other than a human being in need to call upon the Angels.

Gabriel is special. Not only does her name mean "God is my Strength". She is one of only three Angels name directly in the Bible. Lucifer & Michael being the other two. She especially good at helping anyone delivering spiritual messages. Journalist, musicians, singers, or anyone attempting to deliver a message. So call on her strength as I deliver to you Love & Light to All

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...