Friday, February 24, 2017

San Fransisco Treat

Even though I have been sick and I am still not quite myself I have a little spring in my step thinking about tomorrow. For Christmas I bought my Mom, her boyfriend (my dad) and myself tickets to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco. They are having a special exhibit called Gems & Minerals Unearthed. There are 400 different specimens to view. Talk about a medium's heaven. And yes I am not dragging my parents along it was my dad that first heard about it. I am sure my phone will be non-stop taking pictures of these beautiful earthly treasures. I will have to share the best with you and what they are best for as far as psychic and healing abilities. My parents were mostly drawn to go see a practically priceless piece of Benitoite. Benitoite is the state gem of California. It is only found in one place in the world. A single county in California. It is a beautiful sapphire blue color and is outrageously expensive. I have a small sample of it that is more chips of Benitoite than crystals. But I am happy to have it. Benitoite is a powerful gem. Benitoite is good for channeling angelic guidance and enhancing psychic ability. I am looking forward to researching the gems I am less familiar with and seeing some I have never seen in person. I have a feeling its going to be difficult to get me away from there tomorrow. If you live in the area I highly recommend going to see this exhibit before it closes. Groupon has had deals on going to the museum. I don't know if they are still offering them but it wasn't that long ago I saw the offer again. Great way to get out for the day and increase your knowledge on a subject that can help with intuition & psychic ability. Hope you all have a great weekend planned. Love & Light to you All!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Growing Collection & Growth

Even being sick its been an exciting month. I have been growing my collection of powerful crystals. Everyone should try and have the basics. You don't need to be a medium or intuitive to gain help from the crystals. Simple tumbled crystals are great to start with or to just have. Its funny before I ever admitted to my gifts my son & I collected rocks. I also was always drawn to natural stone jewelry. I have a friend who is a medium who s teaching me about crystals and leading me to books and crystals to start with. The funny thing is I have sent her picture after picture of geodes and jewelry I already had that were powerful crystals and stones. It shows that we are drawn to that which we are destined to be. I tried to hide who I was for my most of my adult life. When I decided to answer the calling of who I was I found all of these things that were all along trying to guide me to where I belonged. So while I build my collection not only to help myself but to help my clients. It continues to open my eyes. I hope it helps you too. To look at the small things and see if you are missing the obvious signs that you are not doing what you are meant to be doing. There is no point to living this life being unhappy. I spent most of life being unhappy thinking my unhappiness was for others benefit. I was never so wrong. But as we grow we learn. And we must be open to growth or we just remain stagnate as a person. I still learn something new about myself constantly. I have changed who I am so much. Those who say people can't change are wrong but it is just like anything else you have to really want it. Do you really want it? Do you want a life rich in spirituality? Do you want a life where you stop & smell the roses and mean it? Three of the crystals I bought this month were very purposeful. I bought Bentonite. This is the State of California Crystal. It is only found in one county in California in the entire world. But it is highly powerful for psychic ability and reaching across the veil. I purchased Azurite also a powerful psychic ability crystal. I actually bought two different specimens of this crystal because I have fallen in love with its beautiful blue color. And I bought Malachite. I bought two pieces of Malachite as well. One for me and one for a friend. Malachite keeps out negativity. It also is good for anyone living near a nuclear power plant. One of my best friends just had major cancer surgery and has been having complications. She lives within 10 miles of a nuclear facility in the mid west. So I sent her a piece of the Malachite to keep in her living room to not only protect her from the power plant but to keep negativity out of the house. She needs all positivity around her. When I found it I was so taken with it I got one for myself and keep it near the head of me bed & the entrance to my bedroom. If you have crystals its important to keep them clean and I will go over the different ways you can do that in a later post. If your looking to start a collection look at getting rose quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz,  tigers eye, & clear crystal quartz to start.  Those are easy to find and quite a varied powerful collection. And once again tumbled is fine to keep price to a minimum. Hope none of the sicky bugs going around have gotten to any of you like they got me. Love & Light to you All.   

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Sorry I have been absent I have pneumonia. I hated being offline during some of the most exciting cosmic events of the year. Its the opening of the door for so many people if you take advantage of this beautiful opportunity of everything lining up. Its the perfect time to speak your truth and reach for your dreams. If in doubt have a reading. Tarot or personal. Feel the shift in the air. Everything seems like their is a freedom to even the air we breathe. I am sick and I can hardly stay still to get well from the excitement since the full moon & lunar eclipse. And that is just the beginning of the February cosmic changes. This is one of the most exciting months of the year and its best to take advantage of it. Half the month is still left and there is plenty of time. Use your intuition to know what is right. No longer let fear hold you in place. Change is actually a good thing when it comes from a positive place. It can be a good thing period. I will share something with you that may help. I did a New Years Tarot Spread on myself. It was the worst tarot spread I had ever had and it was very dark. I knew why it was dark. I was holding back not speaking my truth in a relationship. I thought about my options and told this person we could only be friends. I redid that tarot spread and it had drastically changed. I was no longer going to spend the year a prisoner to a relationship that was not fulfilling my soul. The tarot spread also told me the other relationship I needed to step away from and that one is more complicated but I am working on it. Sometimes the accuracy of the tarot is mind boggling. But then again I find that with my own gifts at times. Well I must go for now. Honestly a nap calls. I just didn't want you to think I forgot about you in the most busy cosmic month of the year. Love & Light to you All!  

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Seen Any Fire Roosters?

Ok it is fun to be silly. I personally enjoy to laugh and probably don't get enough of it. Do any of us? But it really is the year of the Fire Rooster. And this is a great thing it means its time to strut your stuff. No holding back. Not only as we have talked about is this a first year in the nine year cycle. So we have new beginnings. But the opportunities to find our passion and creativity our abounding, Especially in February. Mars is in power now and will push your passion and creativity to the forefront. Its time to run with it. And to top off it all On February 10th the Snow Leo Full Moon rises bringing with it the fiery temperament of the Leo Sign. Its a beautiful year for getting the things you have been dreaming of if you are willing to work for them. They still will not just come to you. Life does not typically work out that way. That's why its 1 in 2 billion odds that win the lottery. You have to make your own lottery. Your own good times and your own blessings. Good things can come to those who believe and work hard for what they believe in. Having help like knowing when to put your best foot forward doesn't hurt. And in February its a great time to act on those passions you have put aside. You deserve to be happy and to live the dreams you want for yourself. Love and Light to you All!   

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


One of the things I have found the most surprising doing readings is its not just the sitter (client) that learns something. I have learned some valuable lessons about life and about myself helping others. Its made me extremely grateful for these interactions. I would love to share the details with you but by doing so I would be breaking the confidence of my sitters and I cant do that. What each of you tell me is personal. And unless I have permission to share your story I cannot. But I can tell you I have learned to have more patience and to be less judgmental. Which neither was an easy thing for me to learn. But I found especially with judging people that God put in front of me people that I could get the biggest lessons from. And what a gift and an eye opener they were. So while you may be thinking that I am only helping you. Doing readings for you helps not only me become a better medium it makes me a better person. Love & Light to you All!

Angel Code Healing

I explained in a previous post what Angel Code Healing was and what it could accomplish and offered free Angel Code Healing. But what I want...