Monday, March 27, 2017


When was the last time you really stopped and looked at a rainbow? Did you see the message it was sending you? Did you know there was a message from heaven meant for you in that rainbow? There was. Each rainbow is the exact order of our bodies chakras. Red, orange, yellow green, blue, indigo & purple. It is not an accident of nature. But the strongest color visible in a given rainbow contains a message to the viewer. You can learn to read a rainbow and receive your message from heaven, What an exciting thought. I have been fascinated with those beautiful prisms in the sky since I was a child. So much so my entire bedroom was decorated through high school with rainbows and my favorite store to spend my allowance and holiday money in was a Rainbow Store in a seaside town not to far from my home. Lucky for me my mom loved that town as much as I did if not more and would happily take me there. The store still exists but they don't have Rainbow things anymore. So not quite sure why its still called Rainbows End. I will take an unneeded exit ramp off a highway to take a picture of a rainbow. A nothing special rainbow. I saw a double just the other day. Which means magic is on the way. The Universe is working in your favor. I cant wait to see where life is going! The Rainbow holds many good things. Its Gods promise to us. Its the Rainbow bridge to our pets when we pass or if your a medium you can go over the rainbow bridge anytime to see your pets. I have gone once and help my Buddy. Honestly it was too hard to leave him. Someday I will go and never leave him again. Boy am I going to have a passel of dogs waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge. But in seriousness learn to read the rainbows. I am not saying study a book or scan the internet. Use your intuition. You may need to know what the chakras mean. But beyond that use your intuition to what the rainbow message is. Love & Light to you All. Janis

This is my Buddy who is over the Rainbow Bridge and went at only 10 years old.

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