Monday, October 17, 2016

Animals can feel it!

Anyone who says animals are dumb probably isn't as smart as my dog! Because animals can feel psychic energy. We have all seen dogs that can tell a good person from a bad person. I always wondered if dogs saw auras to do that. They read something to be able to read a person that quickly. And usually to be so accurate.  But today I am mostly going to talk about dogs because I haven't tried this experiment on my cats yet. First I tried it on my mother in-law who passed away dog Taz. I was staying with my ex-husband for a couple weeks to visit. I imagined the energy as she was across the room of loving and petting her. When I was done she would not leave my side for the rest of the day. If I went outside she went outside. If I went in the kitchen she went in the kitchen. It was amazing. I have tried this on my dog Charlie a little puppy terrier/lab mix since I got home. The nighty I did it she wanted out of her kennel at 10pm instead of 2am to sleep with me. And she wasn't going back in no matter how much I tried. She wanted to sleep with mama. She also sees to enjoy meditation time. Even as a puppy she is learning to like when the voices are calm and she lays down by me while I do mediation. She seems to know when I am done and she can chew a bone or play with a toy again. But she will lay quietly during mediation now. It didn't start out that way. I never scolded her when she would interrupt just gently put her feet on the floor if she jumped on me to get my attention and say not now. And when I was done pet her and tell her good girl. Now she seems to actually relax herself. Even if I don't give her attention after. The only reason I haven't tried the energy on the cats is I am allergic as heck to them It seems to cruel to get especially our all indoor cat all excited for loving and not be able to follow through properly. I would be itching for days. I love the little buggers but I try not to touch them too much. Especially my poor black cat who has more cat dander than should be allowed. And of course I choose him and he choose me. But I cant love him without wearing a face mask and gloves. Not exactly warm and fuzzy loving. I hope you all have a day full of love and light! And enjoyed the full moon last night! It was spectacular through until this morning!    

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